- Added parameter `view_name="delete_givenuid"` to JS functions `confirmDeleteObject` and `deleteElement` so it is possible to call another view when deleting an element. It is also possible to avoid refresh and manage it manually. [gbastien] - Make sure table containing actions does not have any border especially on `<tr>`. [gbastien]
- Make CSS rule for `input[type="button"].notTriggerableTransitionButton` more specific so it is taken into account. [gbastien] - Fix message (tag title) displayed on a not triggerable WF transition when displayed as a button, the transition title was not included in the message. [gbastien]
- Fixed broken functionnality, when an action url was a `javascript` action, it was not always taken into account because tag <a> `href` was not disabled using `event.preventDefault()`. [gbastien]
- Requires `imio.helpers`. [gbastien]
- In `DeleteGivenUidView.__call__`, use `imio.helpers.content.uuidsToObjects` with parameter `check_contained_uids=True` to get the object to delete, so if not found querying with `UID` index, it will use the `contained_uids` index if it exists in the `portal_catalog`. [gbastien]
- Add Transifex.net service integration to manage the translation process. [macagua] - Add Spanish translation [macagua] - In `actions_panel_actions.pt`, added `<form>` around `<input>` to be able to use `overlays`. [gbastien]