- Added content module test. [sgeulette] - Improved get_object, add_image, add_file, create methods [sgeulette] - Added content.validate_fields that will validate fields of a given dexterity obj. [gbastien]
- Added more usecases to test appy.pod rendering : 'text-decoration: none;', complex and reallife table examples, ... [gbastien] - Added method xhtml.removeCssClasses to be able to remove some specific Css classes from a given xhtmlContent. [gbastien]
- Added method xhtml.addClassToContent that gives the ability to add a CSS class to the CONTENT_TAGS (<p>, <strong>, ...) of a given xhtmlContent. [gbastien] - Add volatile_cache_without_parameters and volatile_cache_with_parameters decorators [mpeeters] - Store the volatile keys on a dictionary on the portal [mpeeters] - Can add a file to an object. [sgeulette] - Added case in 'appy_pod_sample' to check when style attribute is used to define italic/bold/underline/strike directly on <li> or on <li> containing <p> or <span>. [gbastien]
- Added 'path' module with method 'path_to_package' that will return the absolute FS path to a given package. An extra 'filepart' can be provided to complete the returned path. This is useful to get a template in a 'browser/template' folder for example. [gbastien]
- Do not pretty_print HTML returned by lxml.html.tostring or it can leads to weird behaviors like extra blank space in case we have nested <span> tags. 'pretty_print' is now a parameter to relevant methods and is False by default [gbastien] - Added methods to create content from a dictionary, to get object following criterias, to apply multiple transitions, to create a RichTextValue object [sgeulette] - Added default views for Dexterity content and container that display fields in a table with widget label and the left and widget value on the right. The view for container also includes an asynchronous folder_listing that lists contained elements. Taken from imio.project.core [gbastien]
- Use by default scale=2 instead of scale=4 when generating barcode. [gbastien] - Added methods int2word, wordizeDate and formatDate aiming to transform numbers into french translation, date with only numbers into date in full and to format dates (with hours, with month name in full, ...). [DieKatze]