- Set icons `<img>` tag `width=16px` and `height=16px` to make `tooltipster` happy (computed area to display depends on displayed content). [gbaastien]
Not secure
- While generating not viewable URL, avoid double blank before tag title. [gbastien] - Adapted `PrettyLinkAdapter.CSSClasses` to manage `<a>` tag CSS classes and `<span>` tag CSS classes. `additionalCSSClasses` are set on the `<a>` tag. [gbastien]
Not secure
- Removed `unittest2`. [gbastien] - Moved the state related CSS class from the `<a>/<div>` tag to the `<span>` inner tag, this way it is easier to define CSS compatible for `imio.prettylink` and `imio.history`. [gbastien]
Not secure
- Use context.UID instead context in ram.cache cachekey. [gbastien] - Moved rendering link HTML pattern to the link_pattern so it can be changed. [gbastien]
Not secure
- Fixed `getLink` cachekey to use `SERVER_URL` instead `ACTUAL_URL` or value is computed depending on current URL and it leads to be computed on several places (dashboard, view, ...). What we need is just to compute if application is accessed thru different portal URL. [gbastien]
Not secure
- Small fixes, `isort`, do not compute `icons_tag` at 2 places and `self.notViewableHelpMessage` is always defined. [gbastien]