- Refactor less and js compilation + Add compilations files [boulch]
- WEB-3985 : New portrait / paysage scales & logic. We have re-defined the scales & sizes used in smartweb. We let the user crop only 2 big portrait / paysage scales and make the calculation behind the scenes for all other smaller scales. We also fixed the cropping information clearing on images changes. [boulch, laulaz]
- WEB-3974 : Add new registry key (imio.smartweb.common.log) to activate logging in smartweb / auth sources products [boulch]
- Fix AttributeError in case of instance behaviors attributes that are not on all objects [boulch]
- WEB-3960 : Clean unhautorized xml chars out of text when added or modified contents Temporary patch. Waiting for this fix : https://github.com/plone/plone.app.z3cform/pull/167 [boulch]
- WEB-3955 : Authentic sources : Crop view on Image type should not return scales [boulch]
- Change banner scale to have infinite height [laulaz]
- Migrate to Plone 6.0.4 [boulch]
- Don't use image_scales metadata anymore (Fix faceted) [boulch, laulaz]
- Update object modification date if cropping was removed/updated [boulch, laulaz]