- `get_sensor_by_name()` and `get_all_sensors()` added to `ImouDevice` class
- `ImouDiscoverService` and `ImouDevice` now take an instance of `ImouAPIClient` to initialize
- In `ImouDiscoverService` and `ImouDevice`, moved `base_url` and `timeout` from constructor to function `set_base_url()` and `set_timeout()`
- There is no more concept of supported switches, all of those discovered, are made available and can be controlled
- Sensors' icons moved out of the this library since not applicable in this context
- `ImouDevice` `get_sensors()` renamed in `get_sensors_by_platform()`
- If connection failes, multiple retries are done
- Partial refactoring of the code
- `async_connect()` from both `ImouDevice` and `ImouDiscoverService`. Connection takes place at the first API call