* 68: Resources in PEP 420 Namespace packages are now supported.
* bpo-41490: ``contents`` is now also more aggressive about consuming any iterator from the ``Reader``.
* 110 and bpo-41490: ``path`` method is more aggressive about releasing handles to zipfile objects early, enabling use-cases like ``certifi`` to leave the context open but delete the underlying zip file.
* Package no longer exposes ``importlib_resources.__version__``. Users that wish to inspect the version of ``importlib_resources`` should instead invoke ``.version('importlib_resources')`` from ``importlib-metadata`` ( `stdlib <https://docs.python.org/3/library/importlib.metadata.html>`_ or `backport <https://pypi.org/project/importlib-metadata>`_) directly. This change eliminates the dependency on ``importlib_metadata``. Closes 100. * Package now always includes its data. Closes 93. * Declare hidden imports for PyInstaller. Closes 101.
* Select pathlib and contextlib imports based on Python version and avoid pulling in deprecated [pathlib](https://pypi.org/project/pathlib). Closes #97.
* Loaders are no longer expected to implement the ``abc.TraversableResources`` interface, but are instead expected to return ``TraversableResources`` from their ``get_resource_reader`` method.