Package structure and dependencies
- Setup adjusted to require newer versions of PyBEL (0.15), PyBioPax (0.0.5), and Protmapper (0.0.19).
- Automated testing has been migrated from Travis CI to Github Actions.
Core assembly modules
- The statement refinement finding algorithm has been reimplemented for a speedup of multiple orders of magnitude depending on application in [`indra.preassembler`](
- The Preassembler now supports a series of user-supplied filter functions to speed up refinement finding in a use case-specific way in [`indra.preassembler`](
- The BioOntology's version has increased to 1.7 with many resource updates and new sources (e.g., [`Biomappings`]( included in [`indra.ontology`](
- The IndraOntology no longer contains connected component labels (faster initialization and loading), in [`indra.ontology`](
- The grounding disambiguation code is refactored with improved prioritization in [`indra.preassembler.grounding_mapper`](
- Grounding disambiguation has been refactored into a separate module in [`indra.preassembler.grounding_mapper.disambiguate`](
- New Statement validation module for automated consistency checks of Statements, Agents, and their attributes in [`indra.statements.validate`](
- Improvements to WorldOntology extension during runtime in [``](
Knowledge sources
- Structured meta-information on INDRA's sources is now available as a resource file in [`indra/resources/source_info.json`](
- The deprecated LINCS Small Molecules (`indra.sources.lincs_drug`) source module has been removed; replaced by TAS in [`indra.sources.tas`](
- The BEL processor is now compatible with PyBEL 0.15+ in [`indra.sources.bel`](
- Updaed BioGRID processor, more extractions and compatibility with the TAB 3.0 format in [`indra.sources.biogrid`](
- Improvements to BioPAX processing to support e.g., BioPAX from Reactome in [`indra.sources.biopax`](
- Support for compositional grounding from the [`CWMS`](, [`Eidos`](, [`Sofia`](, and [`Hume`]( readers.
- Support for event type filter for the [`CWMS`](, [`Eidos`](, [`Sofia`](, and [`Hume`]( readers.
- Grounding cache feature added for re-grounding in [`indra.sources.eidos`](
- Support for using obtained evidence counts in INDRA DB REST client and HTML assembler.
- Support for specifying organism priority for protein grounding in Reach processor in [`indra.sources.reach`](
- Handle protein chain/fragment grounding in Reach processor in [`indra.sources.reach`](
- Improvements to extracting some forms of regulation in Reach processor in [`indra.sources.reach`](
- Many improvements to Signor processor in [`indra.sources.signor`](
- New EKB forms extracted in TRIPS processor [`indra.sources.trips`](
Model assemblers
- New HTML look implemented (with support for old/simplified view) in the HTML Assembler in [`indra.assemblers.html`](
Model analysis / explanation
- Many new path finding algorithms implemented in [`indra.explanation.pathfinding`](
- Support for semantic filters on paths implemented for model checking in [`indra.explanation.model_checker`](
Resources and database clients
- [`indra.resources`]( is now a proper module with helper functions to load resource files.
- New client for interacting with namespaces, IDs and URLs in [`indra.databases.identifiers`](
- Many resources have been updated (e.g., HGNC entries, FamPlex, new grounding mappings) in `indra.resources`.
Literature clients
- Better MeSH annotation extraction, including supplementary concepts in PubMed client [`indra.literature.pubmed_client`](
- Local storage feature for DART client in [`indra.literature.dart_client`](