What's Changed
* add saving and loading infairness component state to disk by MayankAgarwal in https://github.com/IBM/inFairness/pull/57
* Ranking auditor by aldopareja in https://github.com/IBM/inFairness/pull/30
* Normalized discounted cumulative gain by aldopareja in https://github.com/IBM/inFairness/pull/31
* Senstir algo by aldopareja in https://github.com/IBM/inFairness/pull/35
* add support to fetch trained logistic regression model in the logreg metric by MayankAgarwal in https://github.com/IBM/inFairness/pull/61
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/IBM/inFairness/compare/v0.2.2...v0.2.3