> [!TIP]
> Changes introduced in Execution Engine `v1.3.0` are non breaking, but we shipped couple of nice extensions and we **encourage** contributors to adopt them.
> Full details of the changes and migration guides available [here](https://inference.roboflow.com/workflows/execution_engine_changelog/#execution-engine-v130-inference-v0270).
βοΈ [Kinds](https://inference.roboflow.com/workflows/kinds/) with dynamic serializers and deserializers
* Added serializers/deserializers for each kind, enabling integration with external systems.
* Updated the Blocks Bundling page to reflect these changes.
* Enhanced `roboflow_core` kinds with suitable serializers/deserializers.
See our [updated blocks bundling guide](https://inference.roboflow.com/workflows/blocks_bundling/#serializers-and-deserializers-for-kinds) for more details.
π Any data can be now a Workflow input
We've added new Workflows input type `WorkflowBatchInput` - which is capable of accepting any `kind`, unlike our previous inputs like `WorkflowImage`. What's even nicer - you can also specify dimensionality level for `WorkflowBatchInput` - basically **making it possible to break down each workflow into single-steps executed in *debug* mode**.
Take a look at [π docs](https://inference.roboflow.com/workflows/definitions/#generic-batch-oriented-inputs) to learn more
ποΈ Easier blocks development
We got tired wondering if specific field in block manifest should be marked with `StepOutputSelector`, `WorkflowImageSelector`,
`StepOutputImageSelector` or `WorkflowParameterSelector` type annotation. That was **very confusing** and was effectively increasing the difficulty of contributions.
Since the selectors type annotations are **required** for the Execution Engine that block define *placeholders* for data of specific *kind* we could not eliminate those annotations, but we are making them easier to understand - introducing generic annotation called `Selector(...)`.
`Selector(...)` no longer tells Execution Engine that the block accept batch-oriented data - so we replaced old `block_manifest.accepts_batch_input()` method with two new:
* `block_manifest.get_parameters_accepting_batches()` - to return list of params that `WorkflowBlock.run(...)` method
accepts to be wrapped in `Batch[X]` container
* `block_manifest.get_parameters_accepting_batches_and_scalars()` - to return list of params that `WorkflowBlock.run(...)` method
accepts either to be wrapped in `Batch[X]` container or provided as stand-alone scalar values.
> [!TIP]
> To adopt changes while creating new block - visit our updated [blocks creation](https://inference.roboflow.com/workflows/create_workflow_block/) guide.
> To migrate existing blocks - take a look at [migration guide](https://inference.roboflow.com/workflows/execution_engine_changelog/#execution-engine-v130-inference-v0270).
ποΈ Increased JPEG compression quality
`WorkflowImageData` has a property called `base64_image` which is auto-generated out from `numpy_image` associated to the object. In the previous version of `inference` - default compression level was `90%` - we increased it to `95%`. We expect that this change will generally improve the quality of images passed between steps, yet there is no guarantee of better results from the models (that depends on how models were trained). Details of change: https://github.com/roboflow/inference/pull/798
> Small changes in model predictions are expected due to this change - as it may happen that we are passing slightly different JPEG images into the models. If you are negatively affected, please let us know via GH Issues.
π§ Change in Roboflow models blocks
We've changed the way on how Roboflow models blocks work on Roboflow hosted platform. Previously they were using `numpy_image` property of `WorkflowImageData` as an input to `InferenceHTTPClient` while executing remote calls - which usually caused that we are serialising numpy image to JPEG and then to `base64`, whereas usually on Roboflow hosted platform, we had `base64` representation of image already provided, so effectively we were:
* slowing down the processing
* artificially decreasing the quality of images
This is no longer the case, so we do only transform image representation (and apply lossy compression) when needed. Details of change: https://github.com/roboflow/inference/pull/798.
> Small changes in model predictions are expected due to this change - as it may happen that we are passing slightly different JPEG images into the models. If you are negatively affected, please let us know via GH Issues.
ποΈ New kind `inference_id`
We've diagnosed the need to give a semantic meaning for inference identifiers that are used by external systems as correlation IDs.
That's why we introduce new kind - [`inference_id`](https://inference.roboflow.com/workflows/kinds/inference_id/).
We encourage blocks developer to use new kind.
ποΈ New field available in `video_metadata` and `image` kinds
We've added new optional field to video metadata - `measured_fps` - take a look at [π docs](https://inference.roboflow.com/workflows/internal_data_types/#videometadata)
ποΈ Changed
* Disable telemetry when running YOLO world by grzegorz-roboflow in https://github.com/roboflow/inference/pull/800
* Pass webrtc TURN config as request parameter when calling POST /inference_pipelines/initialise_webrtc by grzegorz-roboflow in https://github.com/roboflow/inference/pull/801
* Remove reset from YOLO settings by grzegorz-roboflow in https://github.com/roboflow/inference/pull/802
* Pin all dependencies and update to new versions of libs by PawelPeczek-Roboflow in https://github.com/roboflow/inference/pull/803
* bumping owlv2 version and putting cache size in env by isaacrob-roboflow in https://github.com/roboflow/inference/pull/813
π§ Fixed
* Florence 2 - fixing model caching by probicheaux in https://github.com/roboflow/inference/pull/808
* Use measured fps when fetching frames from live stream by grzegorz-roboflow in https://github.com/roboflow/inference/pull/805
* Fix issue with label visualisation by PawelPeczek-Roboflow in https://github.com/roboflow/inference/pull/811 and PawelPeczek-Roboflow in https://github.com/roboflow/inference/pull/814
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/roboflow/inference/compare/v0.26.1...v0.27.0