- Specified that package is only compatible with python 3.7 - 3.11, because
no version of `Numba` dependency (which is a dependency of EinsteinPy) that is
compatible with python 3.12 has been released yet. Package still interfaces
with rust using the stable python 3.7 ABI. This will not be changed until
the 3.7 ABI is deprecated.
- Added `hesse_array` method that allows calculating the hesse matrix (for an
arbitrary number of field-space dimensions) at all points in a given field-
space array.
- added functionality to calculate the turn rate $\omega$ under the assumption
that the slow-roll parameters are small.
- added functionality to calculate the hesse matrix for a whole range of field
space values at once.
- Upgraded numpy 0.19 -> 0.20
- Upgraded PyO3 0.19 -> 0.20