
Latest version: v2.1.2

Safety actively analyzes 681844 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* 7: Clean up
* 7: Build on ARM
* 7: Set almost final pipelines
* 7: Enable ARM build
* 7: Attempt to keep the git tag in PBR build
* 7: Attempting to resolve git tag retrieving
* 7: Attempting to resolve git tag retrieving
* 7: add missing wheel package
* 7: add missing wheel package
* 7: add missing hashbang
* 7: return a value in :image task
* 7: Compat
* 7: Add login to registry
* 7: Release job
* 7: Release job
* 7: Fixes related to GH Actions
* 7: Fixes related to GH Actions
* 7: Fixes related to GH Actions
* 7: Fixes related to GH Actions
* 7: Fixes related to GH Actions
* 7: Moving to Github Actions
* 7: Moving to Github Actions
* Build on Python 3.7
* 6: Implement "docker-container-log" check
* Remove unused, nonsense check
* Create index also on existing databases
* Correct: sqlite3.Warning: You can only execute one statement at a time
* Add index for better performance of the SQLite3



* Refactor: Moved docs to Python files
* Postgres support: Included "postgres" check in docs
* Postgres support: Added simple PostgreSQL check if the DB is up



* Postgres support: Corrected one typo, and added distinction between no rights and no data
* ARM: Correct package name
* Fixed problem with building Docker image - after enforcing regeneration of requirements.txt
* Postgres support: Added missing postgresql-devel required for building/installing psycopg2
* Building: Always re-generate requirements.txt
* Postgres support: Switch from psycopg2 to psycopg2-binary
* Postgres support: Switch from psycopg2 to psycopg2-binary
* Postgres support: Added psycopg2 as dependency
* Postgres support: chmod +x
* Docs: Added PostgreSQL replication checks
* Added PostgreSQL replication checks



* Docs: Added passwords deploying strategy
* Docs: Added templating documentation



* Runner: Added a simple templating in input variables. Example: ${ENV.USER} to see current user. Use this mechanism to pass credentials securely
* Runner: Added some default timeout for safety reasons



* SSH: Added creation of .ssh directory and known\_hosts file if not present
* SSH: Added support for adding to known\_hosts first time
* Tests: Increased SSH container timeout to avoid random failures
* Load avg checks: Corrected invalid casting in timeout parameter and extracted code into the checklib
* Formatting
* Docker: Added required packages
* Reminder check: Correct a misleading message
* Docs: Deleted development-only information

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