- Added new public :func:`get_bindings <injector.get_bindings>` function to see what parameters will be injected
into a function
- Added new generic types using a draft implementation of `PEP 593 <https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0593/>`_:
:data:`Inject <injector.Inject>` and :data:`NoInject <injector.NoInject>`. Those serve as additional ways to
declare (non)injectable parameters while :func:`inject <injector.inject>` won't go away any time soon
:func:`noninjectable <injector.noninjectable>` may be removed once `NoInject` is cofirmed to work.
Backwards incompatible:
- Removed previously deprecated `Key`, `BindingKey`, `SequenceKey` and `MappingKey` pseudo-types