
Latest version: v1.3.5

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Defer loading of libc until instantiation of an INotify object, so that errors loading it occur there instead of at import time.


Bugfix release - allow use of pathlib module but do not require it.


Bugfix release allowing use of pathlib.Path objects on python < 3.6


* Use ``os.fsencode`` and ``os.fsdecode()`` for filepath encoding/decoding in Python 3
* Do not decode the 'name' field of events in Python 2, and only encode unicode strings passed to ``add_watch()``, not strings that are already bytestrings.

These two changes allow ``inotify_simple`` to handle filepaths that might not respect the filesystem encoding. In Python 2, leaving everything as bytes mean we don't care about encoding at all. In Python 3, using ``os.fsencode()`` and ``os.fsdecode()``, which use the ``surrogateescape`` error handler, allows incorrectly encoded filepaths to make the decode/encode round-trip unchanged. All standard library functions that encode or decode filepaths do so in this way, so filepaths returned by a standard library calls can be passed to ``add_watch()``, with correct behaviour even if the filepath was incorrectly encoded on the filesystem.

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