1. added support for rendering tags with the `white-space: pre` CSS attribute (e.g. `<pre>` which is often used for formatting code).
2. **API change:** A `ParserConfig` object replaces the parameters `display_images`, `dedpulicate_captions`, `display_links` and `indentation` in `get_text()` and for initializing the `Inscriptis` class.
from lxml.html import fromstring
from inscriptis.model.config import ParserConfig
html_tree = fromstring(html)
optional parser configuration fine tuning
config = ParserConfig(display_links=True, display_anchors=True)
parser = Inscriptis(html_tree, config)
text = parser.get_text()
3. command line client:
- added option for displaying anchor links
- `--encoding` not sets the HTML and output encoding
- new `--version` option
4. Web service
- use the related CSS profile per default
- added `version` call
5. Documentation fixes and improvements