
Latest version: v0.2.9

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* In the `mimic` class, the same plotting, train_test_splitting and exporting functionalities were added as for the `batch` class.
* Replaced all the `odeint` functions by the `solve_ivp` functions.


* Added the functionality to hand over a custom ODE file and some noisy data. The `fit_and_augment` class in `insidapy.augment.mimic` will the fit the noisy data the model can then be used to generate new data.


* Made ready for public release.
* Changed the name from "simulator" to "insidapy" (***in***-***si***lico ***da***ta (generation) in ***Py***thon) to prevent possible confusion with other simulators if installed in the same environment.


* Split the `batch` and `fedbatch` examples in two different classes.
* Adjusted the wording a bit to distinguish examples in fedbatch or batch operation mode.


* Included a bioreactor example in fedbatch operation mode.


* Included an option to show the implemented examples in the ODE module.

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