* Partly support for CentOS/RHEL 7 (55, 103)
* Note on security considerations in Readme to avoid misunderstandings
* Show versions of intelmq and intelmq manager on about page
* Update vis.js to current version
* update jQuery to 3.2.1
* update metisMenu to 2.7.0
* interface for defaults.conf (45)
* drag&drop (105, 41)
* fix 96
* save buttons starts blinking after changes (41)
* Allow redrawing of botnet on demand
* Save/load position of bots in/from /opt/intelmq/etc/manager/positions.conf
File needs to be writeable
* parameters from defaults are shown for new bots (107)
* parameters are grouped by type: generic, runtime, defaults
* better feedback on errors with backend (69, 99)
* pressing ESC in forms equals to pressing the cancel button
* Edit node window is now much bigger
* pressing enter in 'add key' window equals to pressing ok button
* Reload and restart have been added as actions on bots and the whole botnet (114)
* A click on the bot name opens the monitor page of the bot
* clearing queues is possible in general and specific view for all queues (54)
* Fix regex checks on bot ids and log line number in controller, they have not been effective
* fix overflow in extended message box (49)