
Latest version: v1.2.0

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- Added Supernovas II data to the ``imf_supernova_rates`` file
- Tweak SN total energy function to make it continous
- Better docs
- Added DTD from Maoz & Graur (2017)
- The DTD from Mannucci, Della Valle & Panagia is deprecated
- Added ``matrix_headers`` setting to optionally remove headers from `qm-matrices` file
- The default value for binary systems fraction is now 0.15
- Added ``integration_step`` setting to set the integration step as constant in *log(t)* or in *t*
- Kroupa, Chabrier and Miller-Scalo IMFs have been slightly corrected
- Added ``returned_fractions`` setting to generate a file with the masses restored to the ISM
- Fixed: Maoz & Graur DTD rate corrected by mass
- Added new DTD: Castrillo et al. 2020



New normalization of IMFs

- Added settings to configure IMF's mass limits: ``[imf_m_low, imf_m_up]``
- IMFs are normalized calculating the definite integral in ``[m_low, m_up]``

Minor changes

- Better ``config-example.yml`` file
- ``Starburst`` IMF, is internally a shortcut for a Salpeter IMF with mass limits in [1, 120]
- Test coverage increased

`All v1.1.0 commits`_

.. _`All v1.1.0 commits`:



New nucleosynthesis method

- Time step is now constant on ``log(t)``
- New settings to add limits on stellar mass: ``[m_min, m_max]``
- Added setting for number of time steps: ``[total_time_steps]``
- New stellar lifetime method from *Raiteri C.M., Villata M. & Navarro J.F., 1996, A&A 315, 105-115*

New Delay Time Distribution setting

- Added setting ``dtd_sn`` to select Delay Time Distribution tu use with supernova rates
- Added DTD from *Mannucci, Della Valle, Panagia (2006)*

Q-Matrix changes

- Q Matrix values are calculated now without adding a 10e6 factor
- Accuracy increased to ``15.10f``
- Supernova rates are 0.0 for masses > 8 solar masses

New unified integration method

- Supernova rates, IMFs and Q integrals are now resolved with Newton-Cotes degree 6

Bug fixes

- Fixed out-of-limits error ocurring when interpolating to 100 stellar masses
- Fixed over-adding supernova rates to Q matrix in each integration step
- Fixed matrix size when mass was invalid

`All v1.0.0 commits`_

.. _`All v1.0.0 commits`:



**First beta release**

Q-Matrix generation complete for 15 elements:

H | D | He3 | He4 | C | C13 | N | O | n.r. | Ne | Mg | Si | S | Ca | Fe
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | ---

**Initial mass functions** included:

keyword | IMF
--- | ---
salpeter | Salpeter 1955
starburst | Starburst 1999
miller_scalo | Miller & Scalo 1979
ferrini | Ferrini, Palla & Penco 1998
kroupa | Kroupa 2002
chabrier | Chabrier 2003
maschberger | Maschberger 2012

**Solar abundances** included:

keyword | Abundances dataset
--- | ---
ag89 | Anders & Grevesse 1989
gs98 | Grevesse & Sauval 1998
as05 | Asplund et al. 2005
as09 | Asplund et al. 2009
he10 | Heger 2010

**Supernova rates** calculation methods included:

keyword | Abundances dataset
--- | ---
matteucci | SN Ia Matteucci
tornambe | SN Ia/Ib Tornambe
rlp | SN Ia Ruiz-Lapuente



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