* Support for showing the unrealised gain/loss on the holdings sub-command. * Several general improvements to the codebase. * Support for Python 3.13. * Support for generating a code coverage report. * Improved badge links. * Replaced linters and formatters with Ruff.
* Produce a warning if calling the Yahoo Finance API to fetch information for a security failed. * Transactions without a timezone assigned will now default to UTC on Trading212 parser. * Additional unit tests were added for the `TaxCalculator` based on HMRC examples for cryptoassets. * The `typer` pretty exceptions were disabled. * New `--cache-file` command-line option to allow configuring the location of the cache file. * The cache file can now be empty when loaded (allows using `/dev/null`).
* Improvements to the contents of the README file. * Improvements to logging. * Additional trove classifiers were added to `pyproject.toml`. * Continuous integration checks now run on MacOS and Microsoft Windows as well.