* UI Layout improvements * Added ability to duplicate invoices * Added ability to duplicate proposals * Fixed an issue where autocomplete items on invoices and proposals wasn't working properly * Version bump to 0.1.4
* UI Layout improvements * Version bump to 0.1.3
* Added a confirmation modal for deleting items * Uploaded seller logo is now visible on the configuration screen * UI Layout improvements * Added form field validation to the edit item form * Added ability to update items * Version bump to 0.1.2
* Multilines are now better handled when viewing items * Version bump to 0.1.1
* Moved database storage to the tmp_path location * Multilines are now better handled when generating invoices / proposals * Fixed the navigation bar toggler button which wasn't working on smaller screens * Version bump to 0.1.0
* Fixed issue with uploading seller logo * Version bump to 0.0.3