- Drop support for Python 3.3.x [bmw] - Stop deprecation warnings from being raised when IPython >= 5.1 is used. Support for IPython < 5.1 has been dropped. [bmw]
- Simplify loading IPython and getting information from it. Drop support for python 2.6 Drop support for IPython < 5.0.0 [takluyver]
- For users using python 2.6, do not install IPython >= 2.0.0. And for users using python 2.7, do not install IPython >= 6.0.0. [vphilippon] - Drop support for python 3.2. [vphilippon] - Command line usage consistent with pdb - Add argument commands [zvodd]
- Ask IPython which debugger class to use. Closes https://github.com/gotcha/ipdb/issues/105 [gnebehay, JBKahn]
- ipdb.set_trace() does not ignore context arg anymore. Closes https://github.com/gotcha/ipdb/issues/93. [gnebehay, Garrett-R]
- Support IPython 5.0. [ngoldbaum]
- Stop trying to magically guess when stdout needs to be captured. Like needed by `nose`. Rather, provide a set of function that can be called explicitely when needed. [gotcha]