* Converted external (user-facing) operations from `sp` to `sf` (19) * Dropped reliance on retiring `rgdal` and `rgeos` packages (22)
* Maintenance release to reflect archiving of the `geoR` package and updated maintainer contact info
* Maintenance release to satisfy CRAN checks
* Fixed class checks that will throw errors in R version 4.0 (20) * Better projection detection, handling, and docs (15, 17)
* Added argument for direct control of `costRasterGen` output resolution (8) * Added argument for adjusting distance decay power (11) * Added argument to avoid extrapolation by trimming output (12) * Range and distance decay parameters are saved in output object (13)
* Converted vignette to html * More specific namespace handling * Added a `NEWS.md` file to track changes to the package.