
Latest version: v0.8.5

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This release include improvements based on review feedback from our [JOSS](https://joss.theoj.org/) submission. We want to thank our reviewers [Carl Simon Adorf](https://github.com/csadorf), [Matthew Feickert](https://github.com/matthewfeickert) and our editor [Daniel S. Katz](https://github.com/danielskatz) for their valuable contributions.

- Expanded and improved documentation based on [Carl Simon Adorf](https://github.com/csadorf) and [Matthew Feickert](https://github.com/matthewfeickert) feedback.
- Added better API description and a new design section by [Ítalo Epifânio](https://github.com/itepifanio).
- Properly described: tests execution and "infinitely hackable" claim by [Ítalo Epifânio](https://github.com/itepifanio).
- Made Ipyannotator dependencies more flexible as suggested by [Matthew Feickert](https://github.com/matthewfeickert).
- Fixed minimum version of the dependencies by [Ítalo Epifânio](https://github.com/itepifanio).
- Update dependencies descriptions as advise by [Carl Simon Adorf](https://github.com/csadorf) and [Matthew Feickert](https://github.com/matthewfeickert).
- Removed fixed dependencies from README by [Ítalo Epifânio](https://github.com/itepifanio).
- Synced setup.py with pyproject.toml dependencies by [Ítalo Epifânio](https://github.com/itepifanio).
- Improved Ipyannotator support for Python versions according to [Matthew Feickert](https://github.com/matthewfeickert) feedback.
- CI testing now runs for all Python versions supported by Ipyannotator [Ítalo Epifânio](https://github.com/itepifanio).
- Properly build Ipyannotator on Python 3.10 by updating scikit-image minimum version to 1.9.3, pandas minimum version to 1.2.0, and ipywidgets minimum version to 7.6.0 [Ítalo Epifânio](https://github.com/itepifanio).


- Extend documentation with new pages for API Reference and key Input/Output types [Ítalo Epifânio](https://github.com/itepifanio).

- Disabled save button when using explore step by [Ítalo Epifânio](https://github.com/itepifanio).

- Properly select elements on the Capture annotator [Ítalo Epifânio](https://github.com/itepifanio).
- Video annotator supports now image resizing by properly using the fit canvas option by [Ítalo Epifânio](https://github.com/itepifanio).
- [tqdm](https://github.com/tqdm/tqdm) now rendering correctly at image classification tutorial by [Ítalo Epifânio](https://github.com/itepifanio).
- Index error at image classification tutorial when reading the artificial dataset by [Ítalo Epifânio](https://github.com/itepifanio).


- Refactored notebooks to use python to handle folder structure instead of linux commands by [Ítalo Epifânio](https://github.com/itepifanio).

- [tqdm](https://github.com/tqdm/tqdm) dependency [Ítalo Epifânio](https://github.com/itepifanio).
- Doc section explaining Ipyannotator dev dependencies [Ítalo Epifânio](https://github.com/itepifanio).


- Make the creation of new label classes more flexible and decouple it from the folder structure by [Ítalo Epifânio](https://github.com/itepifanio).
- Refactored Im2Im and Capture annotators to render any widget on grid menu by [Ítalo Epifânio](https://github.com/itepifanio).
- Replaced exception with warning when using the same file storage on multiple annotators by [Ítalo Epifânio](https://github.com/itepifanio).

- New `fit_canvas` option to adjust images to the size of the canvas by [Ítalo Epifânio](https://github.com/itepifanio).
- Annotator step (explore, create, improve) can be recovered when using Ipyannotator API by [Ítalo Epifânio](https://github.com/itepifanio).
- New documentation theme and structure by [Carlos Cerqueira](https://github.com/Carloscerq) and [Ítalo Epifânio](https://github.com/itepifanio).


- Updated dependencies to fix Voila's conflict by [Ítalo Epifânio](https://github.com/itepifanio).
- Code is now MyPy compliant by [Carlos Cerqueira](https://github.com/Carloscerq).
- Added `TrajectoryStore` class to improve code readability by [Ítalo Epifânio](https://github.com/itepifanio).

- BBoxAnnotator coordinate's input now changes according to the image size [Ítalo Epifânio](https://github.com/itepifanio).
- Faster right menu rendering, improving overall VideoAnnotator navigation speed by [Ítalo Epifânio](https://github.com/itepifanio).
- Don't draw trajectory for deleted objects in VideoAnnotator by [Ítalo Epifânio](https://github.com/itepifanio).


- New annotator to explore images in a directory (`ExploreAnnotator`) by [Alexander Pisarenko](https://github.com/AlexJoz).
- New annotator for video format (`VideoAnnotator`) by [Ítalo Epifânio](https://github.com/itepifanio).
- New tutorial showing how to use the video annotator by [Ítalo Epifânio](https://github.com/itepifanio).
- New artifical data generator for video by [Carlos Cerqueira](https://github.com/Carloscerq).
- New linter to ensure code standard by [Carlos Cerqueira](https://github.com/Carloscerq).

- Updated the CI/CD to add the linter verification by [Carlos Cerqueira](https://github.com/Carloscerq).
- Started to switch classes from Pydantic models to use Attrs by [Ítalo Epifânio](https://github.com/itepifanio).
- Refactored callbacks to use the standard `on_<prefix>_<action>` ex. `on_navi_clicked` by [Ítalo Epifânio](https://github.com/itepifanio).
- Updated dataset download to use `pooch` by [Carlos Cerqueira](https://github.com/Carloscerq).

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