- Many UI improvements including: - Display a prompt after the response has been written. - Added '!!forbid' command. - Added a thunderous warning to the readme about the security implications of this library.
- Added functionality for automatically sending long messages to Dpaste. - Added additional commands including `!!set_dpaste_minimum_response_length` and `!!set_message_wait_seconds`. - Send a hello message once connected to the channel.
- Forked from rpdb to, instead of opening a socket to interact with, opening a connection to an IRC channel.
- Write addr/port to stderr instead of stdout (thanks to onlynone). - Allow for dynamic host port (thanks to onlynone). - Make q/quit do proper cleanup (kenmanheimer) - Benignly disregard repeated rpdb.set_trace() to same port as currently active session (kenmanheimer) - Extend backwards compatibility down to Python 2.5 (kenmanheimer)
- Expose the addr, port arguments to the set_trace method (thanks to niedbalski).
- Remove a try/finally that seemed to shift the trace location (thanks to k4mlgithub).