============= - Fixed dependency list for `ismn[plot]` install (PyQt5 and cartopy>=0.22) - Use `repurpose.process.parallel_process` now
============= - Fixed a bug where missing optional requirements (xarray, dask) lead to an error - CI uses dependencies from setup.cfg now - Switched to `treading` backend for multiprocessing
============= - Fixed a bug where metadata collection failed when a station static meta csv file was completely missing - ISMN grid is now a CellGrid - Added a method to sensors, stations and networks components for conversion to xarray Datasets
============= - Fixed a bug where some ISMN files could not be parsed correctly due to empty spaces in the sensor name (`Issue 81 <https://github.com/TUW-GEO/ismn/issues/81>`_) - Parallel metadata collection now uses the repurpose package wrapper around joblib - Logging was improved for metadata collection
============= - Added `ismn collect_metadata` and `ismn export_geojson` CLI programs. - Added method to NetworkCollection to export metadata as (geo)json. - Added more options when plotting the station overview map. - Network citation list updated. - Faster ISMN_Interface generation for large datasets by skipping some checks
============= - Fixed bug with parsing sensor files for RISMA network in "header & files" format