
Latest version: v3.1.5

Safety actively analyzes 665704 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Fixed a problem with the new WSGI logging option 348797. Thanks to
Bertrand Mathieu for the patch.

- Disable generation of the WSGI log if "wsgilog" isn't set, thanks to
Jacob Kaplan-Moss for the patch.

- Updated buildout.cfg and .bzrignore, thanks Jacob Kaplan-Moss.



- Added an option to specify a log file for output redirection from
the WSGI script. Thanks to Guido Wesdorp for the patch.



- Subversion aliases are now supported (something like
svn+mystuff://myjunk). Thanks to Remco for the patch.



- Update to move pth-files finder from the __init__ method to the
install method so it runs in buildout-order, else it looks for pth
files in dirs that may not yet exist. Thanks to Chris Shenton for
the update to his original patch.



- Update to make the previously added pth-files option better



- Added "pth-files" option to add libraries to extra-paths from
site .pth files. Thanks to Chris Shenton for the patch.

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