
Latest version: v1.4.44

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Build: https://ci.webfilings.com/build/1879271
Skynet Results: https://wf-skynet-hrd.appspot.com/results/smithy/1879271/latest
Pipeline: https://w-rmconsole.appspot.com/release/pipeline/5693208111874048/
This **patch** release includes the following changes:

* [x] 54 Add Huntingdon iXBRL doc set to samples

* [x] 56 Set iframe height to 0 rather than hiding to improve performance.

* [x] 58 Sort files in ixds alphabetically when converting samples

* [x] 60 Summit Materials 10Q iXBRL Document Set

* [x] 61 Issue 57 highlight all facts performance

Notes created on Wednesday, August 28 05:53 PM UTC


Build: https://ci.webfilings.com/build/1861679
Skynet Results: https://wf-skynet-hrd.appspot.com/results/smithy/1861679/latest
Pipeline: https://w-rmconsole.appspot.com/release/pipeline/5988009734569984/
This **patch** release includes the following changes:

* [x] 50 Inline XBRL document set support

* [x] 51 Fix display of decimal numbers with infinite decimals

* [x] 53 Fix "highlight all facts" in documents containing continuations

Notes created on Wednesday, August 14 09:46 PM UTC


Build: https://ci.webfilings.com/build/1817860
Skynet Results: https://wf-skynet-hrd.appspot.com/results/smithy/1817860/latest
Pipeline: No Pipeline
This **patch** release includes the following changes:

* [x] 42 Add support for ix:continuation

* [x] 47 EUR currency symbol support

* [x] 48 Add border to LHS of inspector

* [x] 49 Remove parent-child relationship information

Notes created on Monday, July 15 05:44 PM UTC


Build: https://ci.webfilings.com/build/1797170
Skynet Results: https://wf-skynet-hrd.appspot.com/results/smithy/1797170/latest
Pipeline: https://w-rmconsole.appspot.com/release/pipeline/5087799590256640/
This **patch** release includes the following changes:

Bug Fixes
* [x] 45 XMAS-3573: Tolerate missing period
* XMAS-3573 Hang building search index

New Features and Improvements
* [x] 46 XMAS-4399 - Update auto versioning to permanently change setup.py during build
* XMAS-4399 Fix version automation for ixbrl_viewer

Notes created on Tuesday, June 25 06:54 PM UTC


Build: https://ci.webfilings.com/build/1795918
Skynet Results: https://wf-skynet-hrd.appspot.com/results/smithy/1795918/latest
Pipeline: https://w-rmconsole.appspot.com/release/pipeline/5034854949584896/
This **patch** release includes the following changes:

New Features and Improvements
* [x] 44 XMAS-4198 - Automate version bumping
* XMAS-4198 Avoid hardcoding version in setup.py

* [x] 31 Remove ID attribute from JSON data <script> tag

* [x] 34 Show all facts when selecting a nested tag

* [x] 39 Remove dependency on Python 3.6+ syntax

* [x] 40 README updates

* [x] 41 Additional test for handling of periods.

* [x] 43 Fix UI for truncation of text in the inspector

Notes created on Monday, June 24 08:47 PM UTC


Build: https://ci.webfilings.com/build/1763014
Skynet Results: https://wf-skynet-hrd.appspot.com/results/smithy/1763014/latest
Pipeline: https://w-rmconsole.appspot.com/release/pipeline/4774889630466048/
This **patch** release includes the following changes:

Bug Fixes
* [x] 24 XMAS-3575 - Tolerate missing unit on numeric facts
* XMAS-3575 Crash viewing date chart

New Features and Improvements
* [x] 37 XMAS-4195 - Fix future warning and bump version
* XMAS-4195 Remove future warning from ixbrl-viewer

* [x] 25 Stylelint - CSS tidying

* [x] 26 Avoid self closing tags

* [x] 27 Fix undefined documentation label

* [x] 28 Add scroll bar to menu if list of options is too long

* [x] 29 XMAS-4131 Allow postMessage() events to navigate to a Fact by identifier
* XMAS-4131 Allow ixbrl-viewer to be driven by postMessage Events
* [x] 32 Add type attribute to script tag

* [x] 33 Re-work samples documents infrastructure

* [x] 35 Switch to GLEIF v2 API for LEI lookup, add support for UK company numbers

Notes created on Wednesday, May 29 10:07 PM UTC

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