
Latest version: v0.2.12

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API changes

- A function ``fix_WE_potential`` has been added to the ``biologic`` module. This
corrects the mistake in some .mpt files that are exported with zeros for "<Ewe>/V".

- MS measurements now have access to the powerful ``spectro_inlets_quantification`` (siq)
package as a plugin. See `siq's documentation <https://spectroinlets-spectro-inlets-quantification.readthedocs-hosted.com/en/v1.1/theory/quant_ms.html>`_
for details.

To activate the plugin, use::

import ixdat

after activation, the following calibration and quantification methods will use siq:
- ``MSMeasurement.gas_flux_calibration`` now returns a siq ``CalPoint``. Note that this
method is only available with siq activated - native ixdat gas flux calibration
is only available as a method of ``MSInlet``. Otherwise they work basically the same.
- ``MSMeasurement.multicomp_gas_flux_calibration`` returns a ``Calibration``. Note that it
solves a matrix equation to deconvolute overlapping peaks in a multi-analyte
calibration gas.
- ``ECMSMeasurement.ecms_calibration`` and ``ECMSMeasuremnt.ecms_calibration_curve`` each
return an object of ``CalPoint``.
- ``MSMeasurement.set_quantifier`` is used to attache a siq quantifier to the measurement.
Usage: ``ms.set_quantifier(calibration=my_siq_calibration)``
- ``MSMeasurement.grab_fluxes`` is a new method which uses the attached quantifier to
quantify the fluxes of all molecules covered therein. In general it solves a matrix
equation to deconvolute overlapping signals.
- ``MSMeasurement.grab_flux`` will, when siq is activated, run ``MSMeasurement.grab_fluxes``
and return the requested flux vector.

SIQ comes with data for a small batch of molecules. To supplement this collection of
yaml-formatted molecule data, place new files in the QUANT_DIRECTORY. This can be set
as follows (change to the folder where you have your data)::

ixdat.plugins.si_quant.QUANT_DIRECTORY = "~/projects/batteries/quantification_data"



- ``cinfdata_db`` is a new direct db reader for cinfdatabase at DTU SurfCat


- ``MSPlotter.plot_measurment`` now create a new axis if no initial axis is given
before initiating right axes in the case of dual plotting on left and right axes.
Fixes `Issue 97 <https://github.com/ixdat/ixdat/issues/97>`_

- ``SpectrumSeriesPlotter.heat_plot`` now accept max_threshold and min_threshold and
scanning_mask to include or exclude specific values from scanning variable

- ``SpectroMSPlotter`` new plotter for ``SpectroMSMeasurment`` now create a new axis if no initial axis is given
before initiating right axes in the case of dual plotting on left and right axes.


- ``ReactorMeasurement`` class, technique="reactor", with a ``TPMSPlotter``. This
technique is analogous to EC-MS with temperature replacing potential and
pressure replacing current.

- ``SpectroMSMeasurement`` class set ``SpectroMSPlotter`` as default plotter

- Renamed development scripts which are not software tests "demo" instead of "test".

- Skip py36 because github is having a problem building it. See, for example, here:

- Do black test before software tests in github CI to save time



Quant integration

An object called ``plugins`` can be imported from the ``config`` module. This gives access
to variables controlling plugin behaviour.``plugins.USE_QUANT`` determines whether an
external quantification package is used for quantification by ``MSMeasurement``.
``plugins.QUANT_DIRECTORY`` determines where that external quantification package looks
for reference data.

A module ``quant_patch`` is included with functions that act on objects of the external
quantification package, with the hope that the functionality migrates to that package in
the near future.

``MSMeasurement`` has new methods which can be used if ``plugins.USE_QUANT`` is True:

- ``MSMeasurement.gas_flux_calibration`` for sensitivity factor determination by flowing
a pure gas through an inlet chip
- ``MSMeasurement.multicomp_gas_flux_calibration`` for sensitivity matrix determination
by flowing a gas with multiple analyte components. This uses reference spectra and
results in sensitivity factors that are as inaccurate as the reference spectra. Its use
is therefore discouraged (but sometimes necessary).
- ``MSMeasurement.set_quantifier`` sets the *quantifier*, which then determines how
``MSMeasurement.grab_flux`` and ``MSMeasurement.grab_fluxes`` calculate fluxes of
molecules to the vacuum chamber.
- ``MSMeasurement.grab_fluxes`` uses the measurement's quantifier to calculate the fluxes
of all the molecules in the quantifier's ``mol_list`` with the signals at all the
masses in the quantifier's ``mass_list`` as inputs. It takes the tspan and background
arguments familiar in ixdat from other ``grab`` methods.

The workings of ``MSMeasurement.grab_flux`` are changed if ``plugins.USE_QUANT`` is True.
In that case, it invokes the *quantifier* via ``MSMeasurement.grab_fluxes`` and returns
just the flux of the requested molecule.

New Zilien reader

A new Zilien reader for the SpectroInlets' new Zilien dataset file format
version. The new dataset version is able to integrate the Biologic EC-lab
dataset during a measurement. Such dataset contains a new series with a header
name ``EC-lab`` and two meta columns ``experiment_number`` and
``technique_number`` in the series. The new reader is using the columns during
the process of creating Ixdat series objects. The objects, created from the
Zilien dataset, match exactly the objects created from the Biologic MPT files,
like when read one by one, **except for** the timestamps from the Biologic
series. The Biologic series timestamps are incremented by a time offset when
the Biologic EC-lab measurement was triggered.

E.g. when you start a Zilien measurement and then trigger an EC-lab measurement
after five seconds, the timestamps in the series of the Biologic dataset part
will be higher by five, comparing to the timestamps in the MPT files.


- xrdml reader can now import files where the data is labeled "counts" rather than
"intensities", as the text exports from the Royce Institute XRD



API changes
- Improved docstring for ``ECMSMeasurement.ecms_calibration_curve()`` to include the new additions from previous release.

- Added MSInlet ``gas_flux_calibration_curve`` to enable multiple point calibration using calculated gas flux
either with different concentrations in carrier gas or at different inlet pressures. Note, concentration needs to be given in ppm, as the flux calculation uses various constants from the carrier gas molecule instead of a mixture, which will lead to significant inaccuracy for high concentrations.

- ``Measurement.select`` is now even more versatile. A user can specify a ``selector_name``
for args to work on. This enables selection based on columns with a space in them, like
"cycle number".
Resolves `Issue 77 <https://github.com/ixdat/ixdat/issues/77>`_

- ``Mesurement.read_set`` can now take a folder as the first argument, in which case all
files in that folder (with the specified suffix) are appended.
Resolves `Issue 88 <https://github.com/ixdat/ixdat/issues/88>`_

- ``Measurement.read_set`` now also raises a ``ReadError`` rather than returning ``None`` in
the case of no matching files.

- ``Measurement.read`` (and by extension ``Measurement.read_set``) can now be called
without a specified reader for certain known file types. To see which file types, use::

from ixdat.readers.reading_tools import DEFAULT_READER_NAMES


- ``ECMSPlotter.plot_measurment`` and ``plot_potential`` can take string options "all",
"ms", and "ec" to specify the time span of the data to plot.
Resolves `Issue 91 <https://github.com/ixdat/ixdat/issues/91>`_


- The biologic reader now checks for "Ns" and "cycle number" rather than assuming it
knows which EC techniques have which of these selector-defining series.
Resolves `Issue 87 <https://github.com/ixdat/ixdat/issues/87>`_

- ``Measurement.cut`` now skips empty component measurements rather than crashing.
Resolves `Issue 93 <https://github.com/ixdat/ixdat/issues/93>`_

- ``MSMeasurement.reset_bg`` works again! It now adds a new calibration with bg=0 for
masses that had previously had a bg set.
Resolves `Issue 82 <https://github.com/ixdat/ixdat/issues/82>`_

- ``_get_tspan_list`` in ``ECMSMeasurement`` now defaults ``t_steady_pulse`` to ``None``
instead of ``0``, which simplifies explanation in docstring and makes it more clear what
it does (i.e. if now a pulse time of 0 is given it will actually use 0s instead of the
entire pulse)

Other changes

- Tests for EC-lab parser using a dataset with multiple techniques and a dataset with looping techniques.



API Changes

- Added example usage to docstring of ``Measurement.select_values``

- Added an ``XRDMLReader`` (reader="xrdml") for xml-formatted XRD spectrum files from,
for example, Empyrion's software. Usage::

from ixdat import Spectrum
my_xrd = Spectrum.read("my_file.xrdml", reader="xrdml")

- Added an ``AvantageAVGReader`` (reader="avantage") for avantage-exported spectrum files from,
for example, Thermo Fisher's K-alpha equipment. Usage::

from ixdat import Spectrum
my_xps = Spectrum.read("my_file.avg", reader="avantage")

- Added a ``QEXAFSDATReader`` (reader="qexafs") for .dat files exported by Diamond
Synchrotron's B18-Core beamline. These data files include X-Ray Absorption across
multiple detector elements, X-ray fluorescence, and diagnostic information such as primary
beam intensity. All the data is read together as a new object called a ``MultiSpectrum``.
If the ``read`` function is called with ``technique="XAS"``, a single spectrum with the
XAS data (the "FFIO" column) is returned::

from ixdat import Spectrum
multi_spectrum = Spectrum.read("my_file.dat", reader="qexafs")
my_xas = multi_spectrum["QexafsFFI0"] index retrieves a Spectrum from a MultiSpectrum
my_xas = Spectrum.read("my_file.dat", reader="qexafs", technique="XAS")

- A new reading method ``Spectrum.read_set()`` imports and appends multiple spectrum
files. It is thus similar to ``Measurement.read_set()``. The appended spectra are
returned as a ``SpectrumSeries``, which has a heat plot as its default ``plot()``.

- Both ``Measurement.read_set()`` and the new ``Spectrum.read_set()`` allow the user
to specify a string that appears in the middle of the names of the files to be read
and appended, rather than just the beginning::

from ixdat import Spectrum
spectrum_series = Spectrum.read_set(
part="data/XAS_spectrum", suffix=".dat", technique="XAS"
) reads .dat files in the directory "data" with "XAS_spectrum" in their name
spectrum_series.plot() heat plot with time on x-axis and energy on y-axis


- ``CyclicVoltammogram`` now has a ``plot_cycles`` function. This plots all
the cycles in the cv color coded by cycle number, with a scale bar.

- Refactoring of ``SpectroECMeasurement`` in order to generalize aspects of combining
time-resolved measurements with spectra taken simultaneously. This results in the
following classes:

- ``SpectroMeasurement(Measurement)`` for any time-resolved measurement data with spectra.
- ``SpectroECMeasurement(SpectroMeasurement, ECMeasurement)``, ``technique="SEC"``
for an EC measurement with spectra. By default plots the EC data on a lower panel and
the spectral data as a heat plot on the upper panel.
- ``ECXASMeasurement(SpectroECMeasurement)``, ``technique="EC-XAS"`` for an EC measurement
with XAS spectra.
- ``ECOpticalMeasurement(SpectroECMeasurement)``, ``technique=EC-Optical`` for an EC
measurement with optical spectroscopy. A reference spectrum is required, and can also
be set using a reference time or reference potential after the data is loaded. By
default, optical density = **-log(y/y0)**, with ``y=spectrum_series.y`` and
``y0=reference_spectrum.y``, is plotted instead of raw data.

Before the refactor, ``ECOpticalMeasurement`` had been called ``SpectroECMeasurement``.
This is all discussed in `PR 73 <https://github.com/ixdat/ixdat/pull/73>`_

- Addition of a ``Measurement`` and a ``SpectrumSeries`` gives a ``SpectroMeasurement``
or a subclass thereof determined by hyphenating the technique. For example::

from ixdat import Measurement, Spectrum

my_ec = Measurement.read("my_ec_data.mpt", reader="biologic")
print(my_ec, ",", my_ec.technique)
ECMeasurement(...) , EC

my_xas = Spectrum.read_set("data/my_xas", suffix=".dat", technique="XAS")
print(my_xas, ",", my_ec.technique)
SpectrumSeries(...) , XAS

my_ec_xas = my_ec + my_xas
print(my_ec_xas, ",", my_ec_xas.technique)
ECXASMeasurement(...) , EC-XAS

my_ec_xas.plot() XAS data heat plot in top panel and EC data in bottom panel.

- ``ECMSMeasurement.ecms_calibration_curve`` now supports data specification using a
a selector. To do so, specify the section to use as numbers in the argument ``selector_list``,
the counter defining the sections (if different from the default selector) in ``selector_name``,
and the length of the steady-state period at the end of the pulse in ``t_steady_pulse``.
This can be much more convenient than manually specifying ``tspans``.
Implemented in 74.


- Plotters for spectroelectrochemistry were refactored in a similar way to the technique
classes (see above, under "techniques"). All ``SpectroECMeasurements`` come with plotters
with ``plot_measurement()`` (heat plot and EC data vs time) and ``plot_vs_potential()``
(heat plot and EC data vs potential). For ``ECOpticalMeasurements``, these plot
optical density rather than raw data on the heat plots.

- The main .csv file exported from an ``ECOpticalMeasurement`` refers to its auxilliary
files as::

'spectrum_series' in file: 'exported_sec_spectra.csv'
'reference_spectrum' in file: 'exported_sec_reference.csv'

Files exported by ``SpectroECMeasurement`` in ixdat<0.2.3 will need these two lines modified, i.e.
"spectra"->"spectrum_series" and "reference"->"reference_spectrum", before they can
be imported. After this modification they can be read as before by
``Measurement.read(path_to_main_csv_file, reader="ixdat")``.


- ``PVMassSpecReader`` (reader="pfeiffer") now identifies columns as masses when they have
names assigned during the data acquisition (e.g. "32_amu_(Oxygen)" as a column name),
whereas before it would only have identified as masses columns which ended with "_amu".

- ``ECPlotter.plot_measurement`` and ``ECMSPlotter.plot_measuremnt`` raise warnings instead
of ``SeriesNotFoundError``\ s if they can't find the requested
potential (``U_name``) or current (``J_name``).

- ``SpectrumSeriesPlotter.heat_plot()`` now correctly orients its data. Previously it
had been flipped in the vertical direction.



API Changes


- Ability to change the selector increment of a measurement using
``Measurement.rebuild_selector``. This returns a ``ValueSeries`` which counts cumulative
changes in specified columns (common ones include "file_number", "cycle_number", etc).
Especially useful for compound techniques with biologic potentiostats.

- ``ECMSMeasurement.ecms_calibration_curve()`` no longer returns axes by default.
Instead it only returns the calculated ``MSCalResult``. The axes on which the result
is plotted can be returned by setting the keyword argument ``return_axes=True``

- ``MSMeasurement.grab_flux()`` can take as its first argument the name of a molecule
for which the measurement has a calibration, but can also take a ``MSCalResult`` directly.
As a result, MS plotting functions also accept ``MSCalResults`` in the requested
``mol_list``. For example::

cal_H2_M2 = my_ecms_meas.ecms_calibration(
mol="H2", mass="M2", n_el=-2, tspan=[100, 200), tspan_bg=[0, 20]
t, n_dot = my_ms_meas.grab_flux(cal_H2_M2)


- An ixdat native reader for Spectro Inlets - Zilien files has been
implemented, as a replacement for leveraging the one in the legacy
EC_MS project. While re-implementing it, support was also added for
all auxiliary data series like MFC, PC, ion gauge and pirani values
etc. Also, the Zilien tsv files can now be loaded as both EC-MS, MS
and EC measurements, which solves some issues pertaining to
plotting. To load a Zilien tsv file as something else than the
default ``ECMSMeasurement``, do either:

>>> ms_measurement = MSMeasurement.load(path_to_file="...")


>>> ms_measurement = Measurement.load(path_to_file="...", technique="MS")

This added functionality solves
`Issue 31 <https://github.com/ixdat/ixdat/issues/31>`_

Bug Fixes

- ``ECMSMeasurement.ecms_calibration_curve()`` now plots on the correct axes when given

- Adding calibration data to a measurement with ``calibrate()`` now clears the cache.
This ensures that calibrated series are generated when needed rather than reusing cached
uncalibrated series.

- ``Measurement.read(... reader="zilien", technique="MS")`` now returns an
``MSMeasurement``. Before, the user had to import ``MSMeasurement`` and use its read
function or they'd get the reader complaining because it couldn't find the EC data.

- ``ECMeasurement["selector"]`` now correctly counts cumulative changes in file number,
loop number, and cycle/step number. Previously there had been bugs of ignoring "cycle number"
or "Ns" from biologic file sets if that variable wasn't included in all files, and
including it even in file types where it is less useful as a counter (for example,
Biologic seems to increment cycle number every time current changes sign during a
chronoamperometric potential hold).

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