New Features
- Added `kwargs` to `ComposableGraph` for the underlying query engines (6990)
- Validate openai key on init (6940)
- Added async embeddings and async RetrieverQueryEngine (6587)
- Added async `aquery` and `async_add` to PGVectorStore (7031)
- Added `.source_nodes` attribute to chat engine and agent responses (7029)
- Added `OpenInferenceCallback` for storing generation data in OpenInference format (6998)
Bug Fixes / Nits
- Fix achat memory initialization for data agents (7000)
- Add `print_response_stream()` to agengt/chat engine response class (7018)
Bug Fixes / Nits
- Fix achat memory initialization for data agents (7000)
- Add `print_response_stream()` to agengt/chat engine response class (7018)