
Latest version: v2.11.0

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* Improved log messages related to the `fail-on-coverage-decrease`
and `fail-on-branches-decrease` inputs.
* Non-functional changes: Refactoring to improve maintainability.
* Use major release tag when pulling base docker image (e.g., automatically get non-breaking
changes to base image, such as bug fixes, etc without need to update Dockerfile).
* Improved documentation of `fail-on-coverage-decrease` and `fail-if-coverage-less-than` inputs.


* A new optional input, `fail-if-coverage-less-than`, that
enables failing the workflow run if coverage is below a
user specified minimum.
* A new optional input, `fail-if-branches-less-than`, that
enables failing the workflow run if branches coverage is below a
user specified minimum.
* A new optional input, `fail-on-coverage-decrease`, that enables
failing the workflow run if coverage decreased relative to previous run.
* A new optional input, `fail-on-branches-decrease`, that enables
failing the workflow run if branches coverage decreased relative to previous run.


* Introduced major release tag, and automated tag update upon release.


* Previously, if any jacoco.csv files passed to the action were missing
for any reason (e.g., typo in path or file name in workflow, or otherwise
not generated by previous step of workflow), the action would simply fail
resulting the the workflow run failing. Although in many cases this may be the
desirable behavior, the action now logs the names of any missing jacoco
report files to enable debugging what went wrong in a failed workflow run,
and there is now an input, `on-missing-report`, that allows for specifying
the behavior of the action in this case (e.g., user of the action can
decide whether the workflow run should fail in this case).


* Added support for multi-module projects: The `jacoco-badge-generator` is now
able to generate coverage badges (both instructions and branches) for a multi-module
project, computing the coverage percentages from a combination of the data
from the separate coverage reports generated by JaCoCo for the sub-projects.

* Updated example workflows to utilize the updated release of actions/setup-java.
* Bumped base docker image to pyaction-lite, v3.13.5.

* Enabled CodeQL code scanning on all push/pull-request events.


* Changed the tag used to pull the base docker image from `latest`
to the specific version number that is the latest. The reason for this change
is to ensure that we have the opportunity to test against updates to
the base image before such changes affect releases. Using the `latest`
tag when pulling the base image runs the risk of a change in the base
image breaking the action (although this risk is small).

* Fixed a bug related to permissions on the badges directory if it
didn't already exist prior to running the action. Bug only appeared to
exhibit itself if the `jacoco-badge-generator` was used in combination with
version 3.6 or later of the `peter-evans/create-pull-request` action, and only
if the badges directory didn't already exist. This bug is now resolved.

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