
Latest version: v1.4.2.6

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- Major Design Update: Changed connector operator to `++>` style formating
- Major Feature: Free reference of paths

- To update 1.3 code to 1.4 all connection operators needs to go from `-->` style to `++>` style. These include `++>`,`<++`,`<++>`, `+[]+>`,`<+[]+`,`<+[]+>`, etc


- Improvement: Action calls now support keyword arguments
- New Feature: Introduction of individual `jac` cli tool
- New Feature: Can now log in anonymously to any jaseci server with `publogin` command in jsctl
- Improvement: can now create users more easily through `user create` apis
- New Major Feature: `jsctl` can now run scripts of commands from file
- New Feature: Introduction of `std.round` for rounding floating point valuse, and `std.uniform` for random float values
- Improvement: `jac test` and `sentinel test` apis have new paramerter `profiling` to enable internal stack profile outputs
- Improvement: `jac test` and `sentinel test` apis have new paramerter `single` to specify a single named test to run
- New Feature: Tests now can be named (see docs)
- New Feature: Added ability to flush report with standard library through `std.clear_report()`
- Major Improvement: Multipass compilation framework implemented, new optimization pass introduced, code size down by more than 2x
- New Lang Feature: introduced type structs with `type::custom_data` style notations
- New Feature: Introduced `graph node view` API
- Major Improvement: Walkers are now proper architypes in stack, all code in architypes
- Improvement: Attributes like anchored and private are not fuzed with anchored objects.
- Improvement: Incompatible/outdated IR now rejected by Jaseci stack


- The parameters for `master_create` and `user_create` now take password paramter directly, may need to update calls to those `jaseci.` jac action calls for correct `args` argument.
- Imports updated, imports of style `import {walker*} with...` is now `import {walker::*} with...`
- Walker register and set deprecated. Now architype register and set should be used.
- Deprecated spawn graphs using specail dot syntax (overcomplicates language grammar)



- Improvement: Indicator for being logged in in JSCTL
- New Feature: Email action set
- Major Feature: Async walkers
- Deprecation: Stripe API soft removed.
- Improvement: Improved the deref operator `*` to be more nimble
- New Feature: Can now pluck lists of values from collections of nodes and edges.
- Major Language Feature: Introducing the `yeild` feature. See bible for details
- Improvement/Bug: Here behavior is now specified for ability calls and inheritance in intuitive way
- Major Feature: Can now specify various forms of breadth first and depth first search on `take` commands (e.g., `take:bfs`, `take:dfs`, and `take:b` and `take:d` for short)
- Improvement: Added deep copy for lists and dictionaries
- Improvement: The connect operator between 2 nodes now returns the left-hand side. (e.g., `n1 --> n2 --> n3` will create an intuitive chain of connections not `n1 --> n3 <-- n2`)
- Bug Fix: Root nodes now return valid `.type`
- Bug Fix: With exit within walker now executes after exit events in nodes


- Behavior change for jac programs utilizing chained connection operators. Connection orders are now intuitive (e.g., `n1 --> n2 --> n3` will create an intuitive chain of connections not `n1 --> n3 <-- n2`)
- API interface update: `sentinel_register` auto_run_ctx replaces ctx to be more specific, `auto_gen_graph` is now `auto_create_graph` for same reason as well
- API interface update: `master_create` API return format updated



- Improvement: Added `reversed` to set of list builtin functions
- Bug Fix: Mem leak on graph node setting fixed
- Major Feature: Jsctl graph walking tooling
- Improvement: Optimized the self generation of jaseci internal APIs
- New Feature: Added `jaseci` standard library as patch through to all jaseci core APIs
- New Features: Report payloads can be customized with `report:custom`
- Improvement: Disengage can now do disengage with report action
- Improvement: import now works recursively through chain of files
- Improvement: JSCTL shows token on login
- Major Feature: JSCTL has persistent log in sessions, and can logout
- Improvement: `*` and `&` precedence hierarch locations improved.
- Bug Fix: Indirect node field updates tag elements to be written to db
- Major Feature: Multiple inheritance support on nodes and edges!
- Improvement: Fixed and much improved `actions load local` functionality
- Bug Fix: Globals imports of imports working
- Improvement: Sentinel registering improved to include ir mode
- Improvement: `edge` semantics improved
- Major bug fix: Re registering new code was breaking architype abilities
- Improvement: Tests now only show stdout and stderr on a test by test basis in detailed mode (Much cleaner)
- Improvement: JSKit package architecture established, normalized, and standardized
- New Lang Feature: Added list built in call of `.l::max`, `.l::min`, `.l::idx_of_max`, and `.l::idx_of_min`
- Improvement: Api so super masters can `become` any master id, also jsctl can issue `master allusers`
- New Lang Feature: Can now have `can` statements in spawn graphs after `has anchor rootname`
- Improvement: `actions load module` added as capability where module strings are accepted
- New Feature: Added global root finder `net.root` to std lib and `net.min` to go with existing `net.max`
- New Feature: New global element type and `global` keyword


- Special report actions now use `:` instead of `.` eg `report.status = 200` is now `report:status = 200`



- New Feature: Introduction of new standard library option for loading actions in Jac with `std.actload_local` and `std.actload_remote`
- Improvement: Disallowing spawning of unlinked edges, i.e., `spawn --> node::generic` not allowed without `here`
- New Feature: Random library adds random text generation lorem style with `rand.word()`, `rand.sentence()`, `rand.paragraph()`, and `rand.text()`.
- New Feature: Standard input `std.input(prompt)` :-p
- Improvement: Status codes auto plucked from return payload in jsserv
- New Feature: Can now control status codes with `report.status = 201` style statements
- Improvement: No longer saves action data into graph and keeps it in architypes
- New Feature: Walkers can be called directly using `wapi/{walkername}` api
- New Feature: New `master_allusers` API available for super master users
- Improvement: Superusers now have access to all data
- Improvement: Jaseci's admin api route changed to `/js_admin/...` vs `/admin/` to not conflict with Django's internals
- Update: Django 3 upgraded to latest as well as all other dependencies.
- Fix: Believe it or not, I never fully implemented `continue`. LIKE REALLY??? Anyway, fixed now. FTLOG!
- New Feature: Added `jac dot` cli command much like `jac run` but prints dot graph
- New Feature: Created shorthand for string, list, and dict functions i.e., `.s::`, `.d::`, and `.l::` respectively
- New Feature: Added suite of dict manipulation functions
- New Feature: Added suite of list manipulation functions


- All api calls to Jaseci admin apis using the `/admin/` route must be updated to `/js_admin/`



- New Feature: File I/O Library in with json support
- New Lang Feature: `.str::load_json` added to string library
- Fix: Error output when key not in object or dict
- New Lang Feature: Can now spawn root nodes in addition to generic nodes
- Improvement: Line numbers provided for all "Internal Errors"
- Fix: Dot strings now handled as expected (stripping quotes etc)
- Improvement: General improvements to error reporting
- Improvement: Changed meta requirement for actions to be option at hook points
- Improvement: Now you can arbitrarily chain array indexs into function calls as per `std.get_report()[0]`.
- New Feature: `std.get_report` gives the what is to be reported so far
- Improvement: General polish items of JSCTL UI
- Improvement: Raised the default core logging reporting level to warning

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