- Added `goals.NodeZCoordinateGoal`.
- Added `goals.NodeYCoordinateGoal`.
- Added `goals.NodeXCoordinateGoal`.
- Added `constraints.NodeZCoordinateConstraint`.
- Added `constraints.NodeYCoordinateConstraint`.
- Added `constraints.NodeXCoordinateConstraint`.
- Added `IPOPT`, a second-order, constrained optimizer that wraps `cyipopt`, to the repertoire of optimizers.
- Restructured `optimization.optimizers` into separate files.
- Renamed `goals.edgegoal` submodule to `goals.edge`.
- Renamed `goals.nodegoal` submodule to `goals.node`.
- Renamed `goals.networkgoal` submodule to ``.
- Enabled support for one-sided bounds in `constraint.Constraints`.
- `NetworkLoadPathGoal` uses `jnp.multiply` instead of multipication operator `*`.
- Broke down `Optimizer.minimize()` into `.problem()` and `.solve()`.
- For efficiency, `SecondOrderOptimizer` calculates `hessian` as `jax.jacfwd(jax.jacrev)`.
- Changed calculation of the scalar ouput of `Loss` using a compact loop.
- Changed calculation of the scalar ouput of `Error` using a compact loop.