- fix parenthesis behavior (issue 91) - run Jedi commands only in python scope
- License changed on MIT (issue 78) - Fixed paths to configuration files in Sublime menu (issue 80) - Paths in "Find Usages" and "Go to Definitions" are (issue 81) project root relative
- fixed behavior of adding parentheses around highlighted text when "auto_match_enabled" enabled. - turned off autocomplete in SublimeREPL views - removed `Ctrl+Click` behavior, user have to override it by them self now. See https://github.com/srusskih/SublimeJEDI#jedi-goto--go-definition - fixed Python 2.6 capibility
- Fix plugin failing on when Jedi raise an exception - Change logging info to console for more useful bug tracking - Fix issue when SublimeJEDI ignores `"auto_match_enabled": false` (65) - Fix issue when SublimeJEDI hides snippets and text completion (68)
Fix plugin installation with Sublime Package Control on ST3
Jedi uses python iterpreter that was specified in settings, instead of using Sublime Python 2.6. This allow completion works with libs like numpy.