* Python 2 support has been removed… but, if you really need it file an issue_
or peg the ``jnrbase`` dependency to ``<0.5``
* Python 3.5 is the minimum supported version… but, if you desperately need
support for 3.{2..4} file an issue_
* Many functions now use keyword-only arguments for option setting arguments,
as defined in :PEP:`3102`
=========================== ====================================
Class/function Option
=========================== ====================================
``config.read_configs`` ``local``
``git.find_tag`` ``strict`` and ``git_dir``
``iso_8601.parse_datetime`` ``naive``
``pager.pager`` ``pager``
``template.highlight`` ``lexer`` and ``formatter``
``template.html2text`` ``width`` and ``ascii_replacements``
``template.regexp`` ``count`` and ``flags``
``timer.Timing`` ``verbose``
=========================== ====================================
* ``iso_8601``’s ``UTC`` class has been removed in favour of the standard
library’s ``datetime.timezone``
* Jinja2_ v2.9, or newer, is required for ``jnrbase[template]``
.. _Jinja2: https://pypi.org/project/Jinja2/