* Split test dependencies into its own `dev` extra category (`pip install .[dev]` for example). * Fixed handling of branch deletions and job updates in `/github`. * The `GH_SECRET` has been renamed to `GH_WEBHOOK_SECRET` to make its purpose clearer. * The `GH_USERNAME` setting is no longer used/needed.
* Properly interpret the content type/mimedata of POST events.
* The `/github` end-point now **requires** the webhook to be configured with a *secret*, which is known to JobsDone via the `JD_GH_SECRET` configuration variable. * Tests have been moved to `tests`, outside the `src` directory. This avoids installing test-related files when using the package.
* Add dependency to `gunicorn`, which was missing for deployment.
* Server now understands GitHub pushes at the `/github` end-point. * Server now understands Stash pushes also at the `/stash` end-point. Posting Stash pushes at `/` still works, but might be removed in the future.
* New `tags` configuration added to Git, controlling if should fetch all tags or not during cloning. Default to `false`.