
Latest version: v1.2.0

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2021 Feb 27

* Fixed Tools → Clear Accumulator 111
* Copied Single Value Widget value to clipboard on mouse click 113
* Used PySide.QtCore.Qt instead of PySide.QtGui.Qt 115
* Added error handling to log file cleanup.
* Fixed crash on invalid window_state 116
* Reduced exception catching from "except:" to "except Exception:"
* Fixed clear accumulators also affecting CSV capture 117
* Added JLS v2 file format reader.
* Added text annotations.
* Added support for separate JLS files containing annotations.


2020 Nov 20

* Fixed y-axis marker text value when in logarithmic mode 104.
* Fixed y-axis markers during linear <-> logarithmic mode switch.
* Fixed dependencies and README.
* Improved JLS read performance for downsampled files using joulescope 0.9.3 102
* Added waveform hotkeys for zoom all and clear all markers 105
* Added path option as fixed, most recently, used or most recently saved 92
* Clear energy and charge on JLS file open and "disable" device 99
* Fixed multimeter value to work on units and names 89
* Fixed display artifact on x-axis timescale 97
* Added elapse time display formatting option as Units → elapsed_time 88
* Added click on multimeter accumulate text to copy.
* Fixed automatic "play" when switching between Joulescopes 94
* Forced waveform update on streaming stop 109
* Modified Joulescope UI to work with MacOS 11.0.1, Big Sur 108


2020 Aug 13

* Reverted macOS to PySide2 to avoid the QT bug:
* No change for Windows & Linux which still used 5.15.0.


2020 Aug 12

* Added "system", "dark", and "light" theme options 72.
* Added frequency analysis that computes the Welch periodogram.
* Improved range tool exception handling.
* Fixed y-axis markers.
* Fixed firmware upgrade crashed after completion (stuck at 99%).
* Fixed firmware upgrade progress bar update event spamming.
* Added raw processor preference-based configuration for files.
* Added marker statistics display to left, right, or off.
* Fixed y-axis scale setting to update correctly when changed.
* Added Help → Changelog display.


2020 Aug 2

* Modified Control widget to display accumulator time and selected field.
* Renamed Tools → Clear Energy to Clear Accumulators and added undo.
* Added move markers on click & drag 35.
* Added dual markers "Scale to fit" feature 66.
* Added keyboard movement/zoom of waveform display 11.
* Added marker colors 57.
* Migrated to official pyqtgraph 0.11.0.
* Added save waveform as image 81
* Added save/export current waveform buffer 10
* Fixed dragging the endpoints of the top x-axis scroll bar 24
* Added marker name text to flag and changed dual marker flag shape.
* Added keybinding "S" and "D" to add single and dual markers, respectively 9.
* Fixed pixelated button icons in oscilloscope view by using SVG icons 1.
* Added subtle "blink" to record button when active.
* Added File → Open Recent 43.
* Added "active marker" so most recently used marker is clickable.
* Fixed undo for marker move.
* Added "revert" if right-click while moving marker.
* Added algorithm to place new markers in open space 59.
* Added copy waveform to clipboard 81
* Added save entire buffer to file 82.
* Removed export dialog. Directly bring up save file dialog.
* Bound markers to the waveform area. Restrict from y-axis & statistics.
* Fixed current range "zoom out" when output switch is "off".
* Added on/off switch 84.
* Added horizontal markers to the waveform widget 37.
* Added statistics on/off for all vertical markers 12.
* Improved multimeter view grid layout.
* Clear accumulator immediately even when not streaming 86.
* Added click to copy multimeter value to clipboard 87.
* Added record statistics to CSV option 85.
* Fixed multimeter view to display elapsed seconds, no SI prefix.
* Added accumulator start time to multimeter view.
* Updated to pyjoulescope 0.9.0 with support for firmware 1.3.0.


2020 May 29

* Fixed dragging y-axis range 65.
* Mapped space bar keyboard shortcut to toggle device run/pause 78.
* Updated to PySide2 5.15.0 and pyqraph development latest.
* Add workaround to prevent main Qt event thread blocking on Windows
when using QFileDialog convenience functions.
* Fixed race condition when stopping recording.
* Fixed streaming stop not fully stopping any recording in progress.

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