* Setup first unit tests with pytest. Unit tests are now complete for: `get_release_data()`, `validate_jps_bitrate()` and `validate_jps_video_data()`
* Refactoring to support the creating of unit tests
* Decouple uploadtorrent() from collate(), closes 39
* Linting updates moved from ~6.5/10 --> 8.8/10 in pylint
* Refactored `uploadtorrent()` --> `prepare_torrent()` and move the actual uploading to `upload_torrent()`
* Check jps url before trying to get it
* Add detection for bad JPS group IDs
* Fix missing sy simport bug
* Fix torrent_count bug
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/damonjavert/jps2sm/compare/1.15.3...1.15.4