* browser build (rc1)
* assert match/notMatch tests
* assert interface - notMatch, ownProperty, notOwnProperty, ownPropertyVal, ownPropertyNotVal
* cleaner should interface export.
* added chai.Assertion.prototype._obj (getter) for quick access to object flag
* moved almostEqual / almostDeepEqual to stats plugin
* added mocha.opts
* Add test for `utils.addMethod`
* Fix a typo
* Add test for `utils.overwriteMethod`
* Fix a typo
* Browser build
* Add undefined assertion
* Add null assertion
* Fix an issue with `mocha --watch`
* travis no longer tests on node 0.4.x
* removing unnecissary carbon dep
* Merge branch 'feature/plugins-app'
* docs build
* templates for docs express app for plugin directory
* express app for plugin and static serving
* added web server deps
* Merge pull request 54 from josher19/master
* Remove old test.assert code
* Use util.inspect instead of inspect for deepAlmostEqual and almostEqual
* browser build
* Added almostEqual and deepAlmostEqual to assert test suite.
* bug - context determinants for utils
* dec=0 means rounding, so assert.deepAlmostEqual({pi: 3.1416}, {pi: 3}, 0) is true
* wrong travis link
* readme updates for version information
* travis tests 0.5.x branch as well
* [bug] util `addProperty` not correctly exporting
* read me version notes
* browser build 1.0.0alpha1
* not using reserved words in internal assertions. 52
* version tick
* clean up redundant tests
* Merge branch 'refs/heads/0.6.x'
* update version tag in package 1.0.0alpha1
* browser build
* added utility tests to browser specs
* beginning utility testing
* updated utility comments
* utility - overwriteMethod
* utility - overwriteProperty
* utility - addMethod
* utility - addProperty
* missing ;
* contributors list update
* Merge branch 'refs/heads/0.6.x-docs' into 0.6.x
* Added guide link to docs. WIP
* Include/contain are now both properties and methods
* Add an alias annotation
* Remove usless function wrapper
* Fix a typo
* A/an are now both properties and methods
* [docs] new site homepage layout / color checkpoint
* Ignore IE-specific error properties.
* Fixing order of error message test.
* New cross-browser `getName` util.
* Fixing up `AssertionError` inheritance.
* backup docs
* Add doctypes
* [bug] was still using `constructor.name` in `throw` assertion
* [bug] flag Object.create(null) instead of new Object
* [test] browser build
* [refactor] all usage of Assertion.prototype.assert now uses template tags and flags
* [refactor] remove Assertion.prototype.inspect for testable object inspection
* [refactor] object to test is now stored in flag, with ssfi and custom message
* [bug] flag util - don't return on `set`
* [docs] comments for getMessage utility
* [feature] getMessage
* [feature] testing utilities
* [refactor] flag doesn't require `call`
* Make order of source files well-defined
* Added support for throw(errorInstance).
* Use a foolproof method of grabbing an error's name.
* Removed constructor.name check from throw.
* disabled stackTrack configuration tests until api is stable again
* first version of line displayed error for node js (unstable)
* refactor core Assertion to use flag utility for negation
* added flag utility
* tests for assert interface negatives. Closed 42
* added assertion negatives that were missing. 42
* Support for expected and actual parameters in assert-style error object
* chai as promised - readme
* Added assert.fail. Closes 40
* better error message for assert.operator. Closes 39
* [refactor] Assertionproperty to use getPathValue property
* added getPathValue utility helper
* removed todo about browser build
* version notes
* version bumb 0.6.0
* browser build
* [refactor] browser compile function to replace with `require('./error')' with 'require('./browser/error')'
* [feature] browser uses different error.js
* [refactor] error without chai.fail
* Assertion & interfaces use new utils helper export
* [refactor] primary export for new plugin util usage
* added util index.js helper
* added 2012 to copyright headers
* Added DeepEqual assertions