- Signature parameters resolved by inspecting the source code with ASTs
- Support init args for unresolved parameters in subclasses (`114
- Allow providing a config with ``init_args`` but no ``class_path`` (`113
- ``dump`` with ``skip_default=True`` not working for subclasses without
``init_args`` and when a default value requires serializing.
- ``JSONARGPARSE_DEFAULT_ENV`` should have precedence over given value.
- Giving an invalid class path and then init args would print a misleading error
message about the init arg instead of the class.
- In some cases ``print_config`` could output invalid values. Now a lenient
check is done while dumping.
- Resolved some issues related to the logger property and reconplogger.
- Single dash ``'-'`` incorrectly parsed as ``[None]``.
- ``dataclasses`` no longer an optional, now an install require on python 3.6.
- Parameters of type ``POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD`` now considered ``KEYWORD`` (`98
- Some refactoring mostly related but not limited to the new AST support.
- ``JSONARGPARSE_DEBUG`` now also sets the reconplogger level to ``DEBUG``.
- Renamed the test files to follow the more standard ``test_*.py`` pattern.
- Now ``bool(Namespace())`` evaluates to ``False``.
- When a ``class_path`` is overridden, now only the config values that the new
subclass doesn't accept are discarded.
- ``logger`` property will no longer accept ``None`` in v5.0.0.