---------------- * **FEATURE ADDED** 'equal_to' conditional to validation and query criteria * Changed query logic for list items to match any rather than all records * Bug fix for finding values in walk of nested keys * Bug fix for post-hoc redefinitions of schema dict causing key errors
---------------- * Fixed bug in error checking model validation of null fields with component criteria * Added pass to type checking of input value declarations for null fields
---------------- * **FEATURE ADDED** field_position added to component criteria for ordered position handling * Bug fix for non-integer values of max size, min size, max length and min length criteria
---------------- * Fixed missing declared value criteria for empty strings, number and boolean declarations * Updates to MANIFEST and setup process to exclude IDE file types * Updates to unittests
---------------- * **FEATURE ADDED** object_title added to validate method argument for error handling * Bug fix for non-json valid object added to model and validate input data * Bug fix for dictionaries with non-string values for key names * Bug fix for ingestion of items outside scope of json datatypes
---------------- * Bug fix for ingestion of dictionaries inside lists * Updates to unittests