- PR 47, which adds function to `juliet.utils` to read AstroImageJ tables.
- PR 22, which started a unit test script (``); also added a `.gitignore`.
- Created `` (this file).
- Deprecated the use of several flags (e.g., `use_dynesty`, `use_ultranest`, `dynamic`, etc.); now samplers can be selected using the `sampler` string via ``. Options for each sampler can be directly ingested to `` via `**kwargs`.
- Outputs from multinest are kept in the output folder now (were removed in previous juliet versions).
- Support for `emcee`.
- Fixed bug that was making `juliet` runs with `dynesty` always go to Dynamic Nested Sampling by default.
- Bug that made the `juliet.utils.get_all_TESS_data()` call to download _all_ files. Now by default only lightcurves are downloaded.
- Refactored the `` class of the code; much easier to read, much easier to pass arguments around, much easier to implement new samplers.
- Removed the `delta_z_lim` flag which didn't do anything; the `delta_z` limit can be inputted through the `kwargs` via ``.