Upgrade Instructions
* Configure the website name and domain as specified in the :ref:`Basic Setup <configure-website-name-and-domain>`
using the values from your ``ADMINPORTAL_NAME`` and ``ADMINPORTAL_SERVER_URL`` settings.
* Remove these settings.
* Add ``'django.contrib.sites.middleware.CurrentSiteMiddleware'`` to the ``MIDDLEWARE`` setting.
* Add ``'polymorphic'`` to the ``INSTALLED_APPS`` setting.
* Replace the ``STYLE_SHEET`` setting with ``STYLES = {'static': ['your.css']}`` removing ``/static/`` from the beginning of the path.
* The method ``url`` from ``django.conf.urls`` use either ``path`` or ``repath`` from ``django.urls``
* Add the Setting ``STATICFILES_STORAGE = 'django.contrib.staticfiles.storage.ManifestStaticFilesStorage'``
* The option ``Telefonnummer von KoordinatorIn anzeigen`` on activity areas was previously only used to show the
phone number of the area coordinator in job reminder emails and has been removed.
Use to new contact field to show a phone number consistently in all places where the area contact is displayed.
* Fix shares overview for members that have no shares this year by pascalfree in https://github.com/juntagrico/juntagrico/pull/502
Features & Improvements
Admin Features
* Edit pages of jobs, areas and depots now show a link to the frontend of the edited element on the top right by pascalfree in https://github.com/juntagrico/juntagrico/pull/491
* Uploaded email attachments can now be removed by pascalfree in https://github.com/juntagrico/juntagrico/pull/478
* Activity areas can be flagged to be added automatically to a member on creation by zesinho in https://github.com/juntagrico/juntagrico/pull/462
* depot description is now optional by zesinho in https://github.com/juntagrico/juntagrico/pull/451
* price is now a decimal value by robwa in https://github.com/juntagrico/juntagrico/pull/448
* Areas, jobs and job types can now have a list of contacts by zesinho in https://github.com/juntagrico/juntagrico/pull/444
* Locations in jobs and depots are now entities by pascalfree in https://github.com/juntagrico/juntagrico/pull/465
Developer Features
* ``ADMINPORTAL_NAME`` and ``ADMINPORTAL_SERVER_URL`` are removed in favor of the sites app. See upgrade instructions. by pascalfree in https://github.com/juntagrico/juntagrico/pull/484
* Added settings ``SCRIPTS`` and ``STYLES`` and removed ``STYLE_SHEET`` by pascalfree in https://github.com/juntagrico/juntagrico/pull/493
* The mailer textfield can now be configured using the new `MAILER_RICHTEXT_OPTIONS` setting by pascalfree in https://github.com/juntagrico/juntagrico/pull/483
* Enable use of setting STATICFILES_STORAGE = 'django.contrib.staticfiles.storage.ManifestStaticFilesStorage' by pascalfree in https://github.com/juntagrico/juntagrico/pull/482
* 463 prepare db for member number by pascalfree in https://github.com/juntagrico/juntagrico/pull/492
* Lowercase email by pascalfree in https://github.com/juntagrico/juntagrico/pull/456
New Contributors
* robwa made their first contribution in https://github.com/juntagrico/juntagrico/pull/448
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/juntagrico/juntagrico/compare/1.4.7...1.5.0