This is the first release in over 2 years. Several features have been removed
because we did not have the capacity to maintain them properly.
The following features have been removed / changed:
* JPSFire support / toxicity analysis has been removed
* Parallel execution with OpenMP has been removed
* TraVisTo support has been removed.
* Automatic geometry correction has been removed
* Support for periodic geometries, i.e. cylinder worlds and torus worlds, has
been removed
* Trajectories can now only be exported in txt format
* Only 'Global Shortest Path' and 'Floorfield
Shortest Path' routers remain
* Only 'Velocity' and 'GCFM' models remain
* Trajectories are no longer split into multiple files
* All vtk output has been removed
* Progressbar display has been removed
* Logging to file has been removed, all log messages are written to stdout
* Changed output behaviour: When running jpscore all output will now be copied to
`<current-working-directory>/results` before the simulation starts and the
trajectory file will be written to this location progressively.
New experimental feature:
* Simulating Trains
`jpsvis` is now released from the same source code repository as jpscore and will
track the same version.
Changes affecting jpsvis
* jpsvis can now load multiple GB trajectory files within seconds.
* jpsvis UI reworked to be single window
* Frames can be move forward / backward with LEFT / RIGHT keys
* Speed up can be increased / decreased with UP / DOWN keys
* Playback can be started / stopped with SPACE