
Latest version: v0.2.5

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:sparkles: New Features
- [`828052e`](https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/commit/828052ece86a5470f97247f6621e8a577154ee41) - code cell # %% with additional comments *(PR 127 by ESSO0428)*

:recycle: Refactors
- [`1e57296`](https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/commit/1e572965813719c9ef123f777d79814e91d1a2cf) - add Config and UserConfig types *(commit by kiyoon)*


- due to [`d83c56a`](https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/commit/d83c56a9c886ded0b1ff6fe1e5a39512d7a06901) - drop python3.7, remove deprecated markdown cell syntax, hide migration guide banner *(PR #119 by kiyoon)*:

drop python3.7, remove deprecated markdown cell syntax, hide migration guide banner (119)

- due to [`e730e34`](https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/commit/e730e34fce0015f6227dfa77cf48c525cca366a2) - remove deprecated markdown syntax *(PR #121 by kiyoon)*:

remove deprecated markdown syntax (121)

- due to [`369b58f`](https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/commit/369b58fca4af3718f8312cb10988b3fdc2892b4f) - remove deprecated commands *(PR #122 by kiyoon)*:

remove deprecated commands (122)

:sparkles: New Features
- [`a43308c`](https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/commit/a43308c2929479e1fc18be9cd991fc4a5a566ad9) - ignore notifications *(PR #120 by kiyoon)*
- :arrow_lower_right: *addresses issue 118 opened by singledoggy*
- [`dbb9dff`](https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/commit/dbb9dffb6d1f5502c4caa028fe3571eccd5a2403) - nvim-notify better view with conceallevel=2 *(commit by kiyoon)*
- [`69ec5de`](https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/commit/69ec5dea0ac96b3719db69f82a1167ee328cc5ce) - notify better conceal *(commit by kiyoon)*

:bug: Bug Fixes
- [`a0cfec0`](https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/commit/a0cfec051f47b72f4501970e5103120dd71891c2) - download_ipynb exception *(PR #115 by kiyoon)*
- :arrow_lower_right: *fixes issue 114 opened by githubjacky*
- [`46cf521`](https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/commit/46cf521f408e2e7783e8526b606e0bf1bf78e659) - start sync hanging *(commit by kiyoon)*
- [`6cf5b66`](https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/commit/6cf5b66fa7d73673af11fb8dc6305cec1e1d1cc3) - broken autodownload and autoscroll toggle commands *(commit by kiyoon)*
- [`06f66f2`](https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/commit/06f66f25e9db861e7774657e2c55ac70fb1fba7c) - error in empty ipynb and default kernel not existing *(PR #124 by kiyoon)*
- :arrow_lower_right: *fixes issue 123 opened by 1nuno*

:recycle: Refactors
- [`e730e34`](https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/commit/e730e34fce0015f6227dfa77cf48c525cca366a2) - remove deprecated markdown syntax *(PR #121 by kiyoon)*
- [`369b58f`](https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/commit/369b58fca4af3718f8312cb10988b3fdc2892b4f) - remove deprecated commands *(PR #122 by kiyoon)*


:sparkles: New Features
- [`eba4b53`](https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/commit/eba4b5368349b1fa270ac38a7a28842d54c96f71) - add function for custom folds *(PR #88 by fecet)*
- [`0acca13`](https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/commit/0acca13f90c92dfbbe4a45d34bc6d749c5c6ee82) - ruff linter, fix: ipynb2jupytext *(PR #95 by kiyoon)*

:bug: Bug Fixes
- [`5b794f8`](https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/commit/5b794f87610636ea50cf226235c00f2835fe632e) - large logs *(commit by kiyoon)*
- [`b02c65e`](https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/commit/b02c65e35c80ebeee4edb45897385857e4836625) - ruff target version py37 *(commit by kiyoon)*
- [`bebd597`](https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/commit/bebd59723869849a89976abda0655c6f4e858d65) - attach stderr to jupyter process *(commit by joh)*
- [`5595ed8`](https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/commit/5595ed8ddf4cbdccf8ac139ead5e315cceeeedfc) - avoid attaching on_lines handler multiple times *(PR #99 by joh)*
- :arrow_lower_right: *fixes issue 92 opened by torifaye*
- [`c6fdf2f`](https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/commit/c6fdf2f38512d822d7444d58c1aa58703e004ee6) - use cache dir to store files over the package dir *(PR #102 by kiyoon)*

:zap: Performance Improvements
- [`05ef99a`](https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/commit/05ef99a10240377b2af7549cf8681f8e60bb469e) - cache `cells.line_types_entire_buf` to avoid repeated calls *(PR #89 by kiyoon)*


What's Changed
* Add option to ipynb2jupytext to convert only code cells by fecet in https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/pull/69
* feat(hover): better highlighting by kiyoon in https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/pull/70
* add option to allow user to configure floating window by matthewsia98 in https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/pull/71
* set up keymaps when plugin is lazy loaded by matthewsia98 in https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/pull/73
* fix: empty notebook after start syncing sometimes by kiyoon in https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/pull/75
* feat: Connect to synchronized kernel by fecet in https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/pull/77
* fix: deprecated selenium 4.10 options by kiyoon in https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/pull/81
* feat: file logging (/tmp/jupynium/logs) by kiyoon in https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/pull/83
* support jupytext py:percent flavor cell magic by fecet in https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/pull/84
* fix!: Notebook 7 uses localhost:8888/nbclassic by kiyoon in https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/pull/86

New Contributors
* fecet made their first contribution in https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/pull/69
* matthewsia98 made their first contribution in https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/pull/71

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/compare/v0.2.0...v0.2.1


What's Changed
* Commented magic command becomes uncommented on notebook (28) and profiles ini is nil by default by kiyoon in https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/pull/29
* Feat: change kernel by kiyoon in https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/pull/31
* fix windows 32 by kiyoon in https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/pull/33
* Properly kill jupyter notebook server by kiyoon in https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/pull/35
* feat: option not to auto close tab and change BufWinLeave to BufUnload by kiyoon in https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/pull/36
* feat: JupyniumSelectKernel UI without Telescope dependency by kiyoon in https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/pull/38
* feat: smart select default kernel when :JupyniumStartSync by kiyoon in https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/pull/39
* add geckodriver to requirements by jamibear in https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/pull/40
* feat(API): Jupynium_execute_javascript, :JupyniumKernelInterrupt by kiyoon in https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/pull/46
* Add desc to keymaps by kiyoon in https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/pull/47
* instead of breaking, warn and deprecate by kiyoon in https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/pull/48
* Updated the README to simplify steps for new users by sho-87 in https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/pull/51
* feat: jupytext markdown cell content with comments by kiyoon in https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/pull/53
* feat: kernel hover by kiyoon in https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/pull/54
* Feat: kernel completion through nvim-cmp by kiyoon in https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/pull/55
* Added syntax highlighting for cell separators and magic commands by kiyoon in https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/pull/56
* feat: Markdown treesitter highlighting by kiyoon in https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/pull/57
* feat: highlight groups for Jupynium instead of linking by kiyoon in https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/pull/58
* Handle more than one "window" (tab) when starting browser by vandalt in https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/pull/60
* feat: jupynium file pattern by kiyoon in https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/pull/63
* feat: post evaluate cell text (jupytext percent format with python multi-line string) by kiyoon in https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/pull/68
* Check for matching executable in environment path when no `conda_env_name` metadata (enables `venv` default kernels) by vandalt in https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/pull/67

New Contributors
* jamibear made their first contribution in https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/pull/40
* sho-87 made their first contribution in https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/pull/51
* vandalt made their first contribution in https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/pull/60

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/compare/v0.1.1...v0.2.0


Bug fixes, compatibility updates, more user friendly, and some added features

What's Changed
* Mac install issue: vendored mode versioneer with legacy build meta by kiyoon in https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/pull/3
* fix auto attach not working when autostart is disabled by kiyoon in https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/pull/4
* use persist queue for cross platform (native Windows support) by kiyoon in https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/pull/5
* Load from ipynb and start sync by kiyoon in https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/pull/6
* Make it possible to run jupynium without attaching to nvim. Better error when can't connect to Notebook by kiyoon in https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/pull/7
* Support multiple languages (use *.ju.*) and hanging test fix by kiyoon in https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/pull/8
* python 3.7 compatible by kiyoon in https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/pull/9
* setuptools-scm by kiyoon in https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/pull/10
* add sleep when idle by kiyoon in https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/pull/15
* Partial jupytext support by kiyoon in https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/pull/16
* get cell inputs only when loading from ipynb, instead of downloading incl. outputs by kiyoon in https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/pull/18
* firefox profile to remember token by kiyoon in https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/pull/20
* Textobject move repeatable by kiyoon in https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/pull/21
* Run jupyter notebook when not running by kiyoon in https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/pull/22
* Start sync now able to open an existing file, Auto start sync uses current file name, Fix 12 by kiyoon in https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/pull/25
* Select notebook dir in config option by kiyoon in https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/pull/26

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/kiyoon/jupynium.nvim/compare/v0.1.0...v0.1.1

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