* docs: let sphinx use numpy directly instead of mockup ([`9b6ec6d`](
* docs: sphinx extlinks syntax updated ([`0866ee7`](
* docs: URL updated ([`146039c`](
* docs: fix docs gh workflow spec ([`49d7e93`](
* docs: fix gh workflow spec ([`b977751`](
* docs: fix gh workflow spec ([`e23c22c`](
* docs: fix gh workflow spec ([`024295d`](
* docs: fix gh workflow spec ([`12adda9`](
* docs: fix gh workflow spec ([`f062d12`](
* docs: updated urls and gh workflow spec ([`66a0704`](
* tbump config updated ([`e17de91`](
* package classifiers and readme updated ([`4cafdca`](
* tox: removed passenv=*, more strictness ([`818ffa1`](
* moved tbump config into pyproject file ([`b8b9881`](
* isort excludes .ipynb_checkpoints ([`db90f62`](
* flake8 config updated ([`20a46bc`](
* reformatting according to pre-commit config ([`54fd524`](
* tox:check: let check-manifest ignore macOS meta files ([`d301bd2`](
* gh: removed obsolete testing.yml ([`1ce898d`](
* readme: updated badges ([`790bf44`](
* readme: updated badges ([`99ddde2`](
* readme: updated badges ([`f18418c`](
* readme: fixed badges, renamed testing -> tests ([`3efb28f`](
* removed pypy test environment from github actions ([`17f8515`](
* removed pypy test environment ([`e2cfa0a`](
* conda_environment.yml not needed anymore ([`b28806f`](
* tested testing config, enabled doctests ([`a273d9d`](
* generate github testing workflow with tox ([`f04bb7b`](
* tox:bootstrap: don&39;t fail for macOS .DS_Store files ([`0445011`](
* tox setup added and works partially ([`4956d25`](
* moved implementation to src subfolder ([`a917c30`](
* updated gitignore ([`2499639`](
* readme: updated docs gh workflow badge ([`3bb0b40`](
* documentation setup ([`fa494d0`](
* editorconfig added ([`61299aa`](
* pre-commit config added, running reformatter, import sort and flake8 linter for the first time ([`0537b68`](
* let git ignore macOS meta data files ([`6e35aa3`](
* distrib: removed radius-specific scale factors when converting (LogNorm) distribution parameters ([`bf7bcca`](
* distrib.Distribution.xlabel added ([`30ad6c1`](
* indicate python raw string to protect LaTeX commands ([`4483cb5`](
* utils.setPackage() prepend local module search path ([`247973a`](
* distrib: handling logNorm params *distrPar* as dict now, doctests added ([`0aad717`](
* readdata: fixed imports, allow disabling info output by *print_filename* arg ([`aa1cf22`](
* readPDH replaced by a pandas.read_csv wrapper ([`9d3c6a4`](
* fixed __init__ ([`55e9d20`](
* readPDH: detection of XML section updated ([`096521f`](
* updated GitHub Action ([`7844e90`](
* utils: moved jupyter notebook related helper to separate file/module ([`4bbee4e`](
* testing workflow runs doctest on utils module ([`6d19fd4`](
* utils.isList(): doctest added ([`f27855d`](
* testing workflow: fixed python versions ([`a71e60e`](
* defined new github action for running tests ([`3589299`](
* Distribution.uncertRatioMedian() added ([`8a2ef2d`](
* distrib.getLargestPeaks: fixed sort order of largest peaks ([`9cca28f`](
* show LogNorm params for each peak ([`64b60e7`](
* introduced distrib.Distribution for finding and plotting peaks ([`6beadf3`](
* analysis.getModZScore() calculates the modified z-score of some data arrays ([`2250a59`](
* distrib.findLocalMinima: skip peaks with less than 5 points ([`712d590`](
* distrib.findLocalMinima() fail gracefully on single peak ranges ([`45eb76b`](
* plotting.GenericResult with x-axis label ([`1a14688`](
* missing numpy import ([`8c01e86`](
* added plotting.GenericResult ([`96cf6c8`](
* distrib.normalizeDistrib: convert pandas.Series to numpy.ndarray first ([`a50f78e`](
* distrib.findLocalMinima() added ([`0ac94c7`](
* distrib.findPeakRanges() filters monotonously increasing/decreasing &39;peaks&39; (artefacts) ([`7b967c0`](
* distrib.distrParFromPeakRanges: convert pandas.Series to numpy.ndarray at the beginning ([`bb19270`](
* distrib.test: fixed indents, replaced tabs by spaces ([`da8f402`](
* plotting: increases limit for warning about many plots ([`ef8a6fd`](
* plotting.plotVertBar() now with kwargs being forwarded to matplotlib ([`35dbce1`](
* utils.updatedDict() added ([`03fe42c`](
* isList() moved to utils ([`4367a6c`](
* datalocations.getDataFiles() argument handling lists and non-lists ([`4ee348a`](
* datalocations: filtering file names with in-/exclude patterns ([`d65efff`](
* datalocations.getDataFiles() with filename pattern argument ([`7d10c9c`](
* plotting.createFigure(): fixed argument ([`ba6ae3b`](
* added modules for plotting and distribution helpers ([`3472db8`](
* utils.fmtErr() ([`56457ae`](
* utils.grouper() ([`a5ad6aa`](
* utils.setPackage() added ([`969aae8`](
* datalocations module added ([`f4fb7ff`](
* utils: OS helpers and for 7-zip added ([`629c0fa`](
* utils.setLocaleUTF8() added ([`8dc76f3`](
* minor: line endings converted to UNIX style ([`45d3535`](
* reBin: removed unnecessary whitespace ([`65e622b`](
* reBin: show help when called without arguments or files ([`1c8244c`](
* reBin: fixed python3 compat. ([`05468c0`](
* disabled nbstripout checks ([`8835ff0`](
* license added ([`10bb685`](
* git: check if installed at all ([`80e7328`](
* handle exception if git submodule is moved out of parent repository ([`fb382bd`](
* added showBoolStatus() to pretty print the value of a boolean variable ([`b00316c`](
* added PathSelector in *widgets* module ([`189b56e`](
* git: using full python path for running nbstripout during checkRepo ([`1fbe3cc`](
* set git status text always transparent ([`9e5943f`](
* git: partial transparent git status if repo is clean ([`b2fc0e9`](
* fixed git module: using subprocess instead of ipython syntax &39;!&39; ([`95e7851`](
* functions for git repo status added ([`4c1f620`](
* fixed encoding header info ([`8375642`](
* use proper boolean operator ([`94fc592`](
* diff.textconv and filters for IPYNB and XLS files ([`ec97ca4`](
* added pycache to gitignore ([`7650b60`](
* fixed module path ([`e7f866a`](
* removed Jupyter startup scripts, not needed here ([`c0e07b0`](
* init file to make up a proper python module ([`7b984da`](
* small-angle scattering data rebinning routine by Brian Pauw ([`eae62d8`](
* code for parsing a PDH file ([`af59678`](
* Jupyter shortcuts added ([`85a8b9b`](
* Initial Commit ([`645ef06`](