with tonnes of bugs fixes, improvements and new features 🎉
The documentation describes all this new functionality in full detail, but below we shall try to outline the major changes and additions.
Breaking ‼️
The `jupyter-book`/`jb` executable should work almost identically to in v0.7.5, and all existing books will generally build as before (open an issue if not!).
The key change is that `jupyter-book page` is no longer available.
Instead you can now pass a single file path to `jupyter-book build`, as opposed to a directory, and it will build your single page (thanks to [AakashGfude](https://github.com/AakashGfude)).
See [Build a standalone page](docs/start/build.md).
Another thing to note, is that if you are using "bare" LaTeX math in your documentation,
then this will only render if you activate in your `_config.yml`:
myst_extended_syntax: true
See [the math documentation](docs/content/math.md) for details.
New and Improved ✨👌
Jupyter Book v0.8 incorporates all the great new features available by moving from:
* MyST-Parser v0.9 to v0.12 (see its [CHANGELOG.md](https://github.com/executablebooks/MyST-Parser/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md))
* MyST-NB v0.8 to v0.10 (see its [CHANGELOG.md](https://github.com/executablebooks/MyST-NB/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md))
* This also enabled, Sphinx v2 to v3
Here's the headlines:
Windows support
: Continuous Integration (CI) testing is now run against Windows OS throughout the EBP stack.
The fixes this entailed, mean that Jupyter Book can now be run on Windows with minimal issue (see [Working on Windows](docs/advanced/windows.md))
Extended "Markdown friendly" syntaxes
: MyST Markdown directives offer a high degree of extensibility, to add all the features we might need to create a scientific document.
However, they are not (yet) very well integrated with external editors, like the Jupyter Notebook interface.
Extended syntax parsing to the rescue!
By enabling in your `_config.yaml`:
myst_extended_syntax: true
You can access to a number of *Markdown friendly* syntaxes, which extend the [CommonMark specification](https://commonmark.org/):
* `:::` fenced admonitions render Markdown as standard (see [new style admonitions](docs/content/content-blocks.md)).
* HTML images are correctly handled, allowing for control of size and style attributes,
and Markdown style figures extend this for captions and referencing (see [images and figures](docs/content/figures.md)).
* Definition lists are what you see here and provide a simple format for writing term/definition blocks (see [definition lists](docs/content/content-blocks.md)).
* LaTeX math is now intrinsically supported,
meaning that it will rendered correctly in both HTML and LaTeX/PDF outputs (see [math and equations](docs/content/math.md)).
Custom Notebook Formats
: Want to write your notebooks as RMarkdown, Python files, ....?
Jupyter Book now supports linking any file extension to a custom conversion function,
run before notebook execution and parsing.
See the [custom notebook formats and Jupytext](docs/file-types/jupytext.Rmd) documentation, which itself is written in RMarkdown!
Execution Configuration
: Execution and caching of notebook outputs has been improved, to make it more consistent across `auto` and `cache` methods (`cache` execution is now also run in the notebook directory) and provide numerous configuration options, including:
* Running the execution in the local directory or in a temporary directory.
* Setting the execution timeout limit, at a global or notebook level.
* Allowing errors across all notebooks, or at a notebook or cell level.
* Removing stderr/stdout outputs or logging warnings when they are encountered
* A directive for displaying execution statistics for all notebooks in the book (status, run time, etc)
See the [execution documentation](docs/content/execute.md) for more details.
Code Output Formatting
: More cell outputs are handled, including Markdown and ANSI outputs,
and you can use cell metadata to set image size, style, captions and references.
See [formatting code outputs](docs/content/code-outputs.md).
Build options and error reporting
: The `jupyter-book build` command includes additional options/flags for controlling the build behaviour,
such as verbose (`-v`), quiet (`-q`) and nitpick mode for checking references (`-n`).
See the [command-line interface documentation](docs/reference/cli.md) for more details.
sphinx-panels integration
: The [sphinx-panels](https://sphinx-panels.readthedocs.io) package is now provided directly in the Jupyter Book distribution.
This adds additional functionality for creating web based elements, such as gridded panels and dropdown boxes.
See the [Panels and Dropdowns](docs/content/content-blocks.md) section for details.
Fixes 🐛
Among the numerous fixes:
* Code cell syntax highlighting now works for all Jupyter kernels.
* User configuration is now recursively merged with the default configuration, and no longer overwrites an entire nested section.
You can also use `jb config sphinx mybookname/` to inspect the sphinx `conf.py` which will be parsed to the builder.
More to come 👀
We have many more improvements planned, check back in this change log for future improvements.
Also please continue to provide us feedback on what you would like to see next.
See our [voting for new features](https://executablebooks.org/en/latest/feature-vote.html) page.