
Latest version: v0.7.0

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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Alterations to the installation machinery:

- __alter app default settings__, making `--user` flag in install app default
to `False`
- __add plural nbextensions command alias__ i.e.
`jupyter contrib nbextensions` as an alias of `jupyter contrib nbextension`
- conda-forge recipe & installation instructions added

New nbextensions, new features and bugfixes:
- __new__ `code_prettify` extension
- `latex_envs`: update for MathJax use and html export;
add latex_envs.py - exporter library;
add templates for conversion;
configure entry points for exporters in `setup.py`;
update readme.
- `toc2` modifications to templates, configure entry points for exporters in
`setup.py`, update README
- `breakpoints` removed stale extension
- Bugfixes: `limit_output`, postprocessors, nbconvert support

Updates to readme/docs:
- Add docs generation
- Add lots of missing readme & yaml files
- Attempt to get docs builds working on readthedocs

Plus various CI & packaging fixes/improvements



First release with pep-440 compatible versioning!

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