- features
- the virtual documents' folder can be configured with `JP_LSP_VIRTUAL_DIR` or
`LanguageServerManager.virtual_documents_dir`, with a potential benefit for
JupyterHub installations (the default value remains _contents.root_dir_ / `.virtual_documents`)
([416], thanks fcollonval)
[416]: https://github.com/jupyter-lsp/jupyterlab-lsp/issues/416
`krassowski/jupyterlab-lsp 2.1.0` (2020-12-13)
- features
- added "click to jump" functionality (by default using <kbd>Alt</kbd> modifier) ([423])
- added "jump back" command, by default activated with <kbd>Alt</kbd> + <kbd>o</kbd> ([423])
- `.virtual_documents` location can now be customized ([416])
- tokens are now exported making them available for import from other extensions ([414], thanks martinRenou)
- bug fixes
- context menu commands are now correctly registered where previously specific conditions were leading to race conditions ([399], thanks mnowacki-b)
- handles characters that need escaping (spaces, non-ASCII characters) more
robustly in files and folder names ([403], thanks bollwyvl and avaissi)
- moving cells now triggers the document update immediately leading to immediate diagnostics update ([421])
- changing cell type to `raw` or `markdown` and then back to `code` properly unbinds/binds event handlers and updates document ([421])
- pasted cells are added to the LSP document immediately, without the need for the user to enter them ([421])
- improved error message when language server cannot be found ([413], thanks martinRenou)
- developer documentation got improved ([412], thanks karlaspuldaro)
[399]: https://github.com/jupyter-lsp/jupyterlab-lsp/issues/399
[403]: https://github.com/jupyter-lsp/jupyterlab-lsp/issues/403
[412]: https://github.com/jupyter-lsp/jupyterlab-lsp/issues/412
[413]: https://github.com/jupyter-lsp/jupyterlab-lsp/issues/413
[414]: https://github.com/jupyter-lsp/jupyterlab-lsp/issues/414
[421]: https://github.com/jupyter-lsp/jupyterlab-lsp/issues/421
`krassowski/code-jumpers 1.0.0` (2020-12-13)
- breaking changes
- split away from `krassowski/jupyterlab_go_to_definition`, renamed to `krassowski/code-jumpers` ([423]):
- removed unused code
- refactored history operations to track files and always use global location data
- renamed `uri` to `contents_path` to help avoid programmer issues
with characters requiring URI encoding ([406])
[406]: https://github.com/jupyter-lsp/jupyterlab-lsp/pull/406
[423]: https://github.com/jupyter-lsp/jupyterlab-lsp/pull/423
`krassowski/jupyterlab-lsp 2.0.8` (2020-10-25)
- bug fixes
- custom cell syntax highlighting is now properly removed when no longer needed ([387])
- the completer in continuous hinting now works well with the pasted text ([389])
- continuous hinting suggestions will no longer show up if the only hint is the same as the current token ([391])
- available options for hover modifier keys are now listed in the setting descriptions ([377])
[377]: https://github.com/jupyter-lsp/jupyterlab-lsp/issues/377
[387]: https://github.com/jupyter-lsp/jupyterlab-lsp/issues/387
[389]: https://github.com/jupyter-lsp/jupyterlab-lsp/issues/389
[391]: https://github.com/jupyter-lsp/jupyterlab-lsp/issues/391
`krassowski/jupyterlab-lsp 2.0.7` (2020-09-18)
- bug fixes
- fix syntax highlighting in hover tooltips and reduce unnecessary padding and margin ([363])
- greatly improve performance of hover action ([363])
- improve support for expanded hovers tooltips using deprecated API ([363])
- do not hide hover tooltips too eagerly (allowing selecting text/easy scrolling of longer tooltips) ([363])
[363]: https://github.com/jupyter-lsp/jupyterlab-lsp/issues/363
`krassowski/jupyterlab-lsp 2.0.6` (2020-09-15)
- bug fixes
- fix syntax highlighting of %%language cells slowing down editing in notebooks ([361])
[361]: https://github.com/jupyter-lsp/jupyterlab-lsp/issues/361
`krassowski/jupyterlab-lsp 2.0.5` (2020-09-11)
- bug fixes
- fix too aggressive overrides of IPython's pinfo (`?`) and pinfo2 (`??`) ([352])
[352]: https://github.com/jupyter-lsp/jupyterlab-lsp/issues/352
`krassowski/jupyterlab-lsp 2.0.4` (2020-09-11)
- bug fixes
- improve code overrides for IPython line magics ([346])
- implement missing code overrides for IPython's pinfo (`?`) and pinfo2 (`??`) syntactic sugar ([346])
[346]: https://github.com/jupyter-lsp/jupyterlab-lsp/issues/346
`krassowski/jupyterlab-lsp 2.0.2` (2020-09-07)
- bug fixes
- fix code overrides not being registered properly ([340])
[340]: https://github.com/jupyter-lsp/jupyterlab-lsp/issues/340
`krassowski/jupyterlab-lsp 2.0.1` (2020-09-07)
- bug fixes
- bump version of `lsp-ws-connection` dependency to fix the LaTeX server issues (see [337])
[337]: https://github.com/jupyter-lsp/jupyterlab-lsp/issues/337