- Fix: don't return color, opacity, or size settings when `labeling` is defined - Fix: prevent x-axis label to be cut off at the bottom - Fix: axes label color in dark mode
- Fix view synchronization when axes are _not_ shown - Fix y-padding size determination - Fix stale channel value getter for the tooltip
- Fix: update `color`, `opacity`, and `size` scales as the domains update - Fix: auto-reset `x` and `y` scale domains upon updating the `x` and `y` data - Fix: use better number formatter for the legend
- Add the ability to show a tooltip upon hovering over a point via `scatter.tooltip(true)` ([86](https://github.com/flekschas/jupyter-scatter/pull/86)) - Fix axes updating of linked scatter plots when panning and zooming ([87](https://github.com/flekschas/jupyter-scatter/issues/87)) - Fix missing x-axes of linked scatter plots ([84](https://github.com/flekschas/jupyter-scatter/issues/84)) - Fix a type in the return value of `scatter.xy()`
- Fix: Prevent resetting the filter upon color, size, or opacity changes - Fix: Upon changing the associated data frame via `scatter.data(new_df)`, reapply color, size, and opacity settings
- Add ability to specify titles when composing multiple scatter plots by passing tuples of `(Scatter, title)` to `compose()` or `link()` - Fix: Add docstrings to `compose()` and `link()` - Fix: Optimize height of the legend - Fix: Check if axes are enabled before updating them when the x or y scale changes - Fix: Merge point selections on `SHIFT` instead of activating the lasso as `SHIFT` interferes with Jupyter Lab - Fix: Allow to call `scatter.zoomTo()` with the same points multiple times - Fix: Unfilter when calling `scatter.filter(None)` - Fix: Properly listen to changes when setting custom `regl-scatterplot` options via `scatter.options()`