
Latest version: v0.5.5

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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**🐞 Bug Fixes**

- Removed quotation marks when using `arg "$var"` (e.g., `-p "$preamble"`).


**🐞 Bug Fixes**

- Docs: Removed the Jinja2 subsection from the README.


**🐞 Bug Fixes**

- Docs: Fixed Jinja section in installation.md.


**🐞 Bug Fixes**

- Docs: Fixed internal links in index.md.


**🐞 Bug Fixes**

- Docs: Minor fix in changelog.


**🚨 Breaking Changes**

- Significant changes to Jinja2 rendering:
- Replaced the default Jinja2 syntax with a custom one to avoid clashes with LaTeX braces (`{}`). Please refer to the documentation for more details.
- With the new syntax, conflicts with LaTeX are significantly reduced, thus Jinja2 is now enabled by default and has become a mandatory dependency.
- Added a `--no-jinja` flag to allow optional disabling of Jinja2 rendering.

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