- Fix optional :code:`rpy2` import crashing server extension;
**Jupyterlab extension**
No changes.
No change, simply fixing versioning error.
**Server extension**
- Fix missing `rpy2` import error; - Add tests;
**Jupyterlab extension**
- Major refactoring; - Temporarily removed language filtering for command palette; - Tooltip format notebook changed to icon - thanks to mlucool;
- Project reorgnaisation; - Use nix for local development environment; - Documentation generation;
**Server extension**
- Support more styler options; - Fix bad string comparsion of version strings; - Compile regex once only;
**Jupyterlab extension**
- Support more styler options; - Fix bad capitalisation of config schema;
**Server extension**
- Retain semicolon after black's formatting action - courtesy of dfm;
**Jupyterlab extension**
No Change.
**Server extension**
- Support formatting multiple code cell at the same time - courtesy of mlucool; - Return formatting error if they exists - courtesy of mlucool;
**Jupyterlab extension**
- Add `jupyterlab_code_foramtter:format` command and context menu button - courtesy of mlucool; - Add `jupyterlab_code_foramtter:format_all` command and command tools bar button - courtesy of mlucool;